Seating in front of a campfire smoke, implication to our and our children health?


New member

I'm looking for any study, or even YT videos regarding air pollution around the fire pit - but no luck so far :(

I would like to build some some smokeless fire pit for my family (like this one

Does anyone of you have a PM particle monitor/air pollution monitor and could measure the levels of pollution near (~2-3 feets distance) of camp fire and record the video with tests? :)

Looking at this video
- I'm scared that at a further distance (seems to be 5-7 feets) the monitor shows significant pollution!

I also found this study:

That seems to show significant danger to our health... But they monitor pollution ABOVE the fire pit, while normally people are seating next to each other horizontally to the fire pit....

So, anyone could help with me with this?