S.I.T.B.A.C.K without B?


New member
I just finished the TCB course for 4-12 weeks. Our son is 6 weeks old and is a good sleeper overall but does wake up every 2.5 - 3.5 hours to eat at night (I breastfeed and he gets a bottle of expressed milk for a dream feed). We want to start practicing sitback to see if we can lengthen the time between his wakings. However, we made a rule of never giving him a pacifier for nighttime sleep. He only gets it during daytime for naps. While we know using a pacifier will definitely help him settle quicker at night we really want to avoid creating a dependency at night. I’m wondering if anybody was successful with sitback, or should I say S.I.T.A.C.K, or has any thoughts on whether it makes sense to limit pacifier use at nighttime? This is our first child so we mostly have no idea what we are doing :)
@vyrzaharak Our LO had a pacifier from day 1 as she was given one while she was in special care nursery. She used it at night and during day sleep and when she was a few months old she randomly just didn't want it anymore. She liked it one day and then refused to take it the next. Just an anecdote in case you are worried he will become dependent on it or something.

Apparently it is recommended to offer a pacifier during sleep as it reduces the risk of SIDS.
@ineedjesus1 Thank you. I really hope our LO will get over it just as easily. He will usually wake up if the pacifier falls out during naps, so we have to reinsert it. During nights, he does not seem to care if he has it or not, so we don’t want to introduce it and then be on reinsertion missions all night long :)
@nirgman Thank you! Luckily, so far it’s rarely an issue for us to get our LO to go back to sleep as well. Fingers crossed he’ll start sleeping longer in between feedings!
@vyrzaharak Something clicked for my LO around 3 months and she started sleeping longer around then (maybe she was just getting bigger and less hungry at night) you’re doing great!!!!

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