S.I.T.B.A.C.K. and pacifier woes with 4.5 mo old


New member
Our little girl won't go to sleep without the pacifier. We just started S.I.T.B.A.C.K., and while learning to listen during the initial 5 minute pause was good to us (we've started to notice times when she can get back to sleep on her own), sometimes she launches straight into a full on wail that will only be solved with the pacifier. We can recognize this particular cry consistently, and when it happens she cries through every step but immediately goes to sleep as soon as the pacifier is back in her mouth. When putting her down for bed/naps, as soon as her head hits the bed she launches into this cry, but calms as soon as the pacifier goes in and then goes straight to sleep (feeling somewhat blessed there).

So my question is this: when we recognize this cry, is there any value to continuing to try S.I.T.B.A.C.K.? It just seems like that's setting us up for a solid 10 minutes of wailing before we pop in the pacifier and she drifts off to peaceful sleep.

I should note that *most* of the time she does sleep through the night without incident or is able to put herself back to sleep if she wakes, but when we hear this particular cry, we know that nothing but the pacifier will do.
@tbarjr I would say it’s only worth it if you would like for her to put herself to sleep without the pacifier. I’m assuming when you say most times she goes back to sleep on her own it’s because she has the binky. If you know her binky is out and you don’t want to see if she will go back with the S.I.T. portion, probably ok to just pop the binky. I used to wait out and do the SIT portion because there were times she settled without the pacifier and plenty of times the pacifier did NOT work for us so it really was a process of seeing what would work.
@samolub She does go back to sleep without the binky when waking up between sleep cycles a fair amount, but sometimes she wakes up enough and escalates to this "I want the pacifier" cry.