Roxane Gay is unsuited to write a work column

@stonze I spent three years in academe, 40?years in financial services, and worked with publishers the whole time. I think Roxane Gay is substantive, pragmatic and sometimes very funny.
@thevaliantx What do your own job experiences have to do with the quality of that person’s writing? Are you trying to say your perspective bears more weight than others because you have all those experiences?
@boydy Actually, yes. Boots on the ground. Life in the trenches as a veteran in NYC of some tough industries. Been there, done that, persevered and won an EEOC settlement, not a participation trophy. Why does that annoy you?
@thevaliantx That’s great for you. Congrats and applause. That’s still doesn’t mean your opinions of a writer’s tone carries more weight than someone with different sets of experiences in this thread.
@boydy ROFL. In what universe does that line actually work for you? I am a wicked Boomer and better boys than you have failed to neg me. Check bio for my academic credentials. You’ll hate them.
@thevaliantx Thank you for this golden boomer quote, Susan M. Schwartz. I asked a legitimate question about how your job history is relevant here. Instead of giving a decent justification, you decided to make it into a show of prowess with a nice hint of bullying. Well done, wicked Boomer.
@stonze Yikes I really hope the hate she's receiving here isn't rooted in Racism, Homophobia, Internalized Misogyny and the disdain of an empowered self loving fat woman. As a clinical psychologist I can assure you that academic settings are real work settings (I've been required to work in both academic, hospital, foresnic and other.settings) and while she may not be for everyone these critiques are pretty harsh and I really wonder if its stemming from some implicit bias that many of the folks in this sub show sometimes.
@wtrdave You’re more worried about playing a white savior than about actually addressing the issue, so it’s pointless to even talk to you. You have absolutely no reason to think this is rooted in racism or homophobia or sexism, you’re just a self-righteous troll.
@stonze I lived in LA during COVID. Once the playgrounds re-opened, most we frequented were littered with needles and other drug-related items. We’d have to be cautious everywhere, especially the sand. As soon as the sun set, the drug addicts would be back on the bench. We’d leave to avoid anything weird. I already felt weird that there were large homeless encampments around.

I recall tweeting about it once and she somehow found my tweet and replied “why would a homeless encampment prevent you from using the playground?” Well, Roxane, because there are used needles everywhere, for one. It was out of touch and that was when I stopped listening to her for good.
@stonze “Legally, your employers cannot force you to post professional content on your personal social media accounts.”

I highly doubt that that’s true. But I haven’t gone through each state’s laws to figure it out. And I’ll eat my hat if Roxane Gay did.
@thiago I literally run social media for my company and have never even heard of an employer attempting this. Most honestly want the opposite - don't invoke a corporation anywhere you express personal opinions alongside it.