ROP in 9 month old experiences?

@be_a_light More like sort of realizing it may not have been the best to begin with.

Like she won’t do from sitting to crawling and back, won’t put her hands down for support when sitting, when crawling turns on her side to look up at us, and if we aren’t in front of her she doesn’t notice us unless we make noise.

Her physical therapist said it seemed like she may not see to put her hands down for support when it comes to sitting.
@ozy20 What was baby’s gestational age? Most babies are no longer at risk for ROP at age 32 weeks. For example, my baby was not even on the list for us to check because she was born at 32 weeks 0 days. Of course we checked her anyway as we were checking on the baby in the next room and of course I wanted to see her.
@ozy20 Ok, so if she was checked then we know the cause isn’t one of the major major problems or it would have been seen (like Coloboma or congenital cataracts). ROP can cause some peripheral vision issues, but that is usually from the treatment of laser or injection.

However, these things can be more common if there is a need for glasses which is also a prematurity thing especially if mom or dad have a high prescription. Your visit will include checking to see if baby can see out of each eye individually (surprising how many can only see out of one), then a dilation and exam inside of the eye to be sure the vessels have completely grown in by now. The whole exam takes most offices about 2 hours so be prepared with a few toys and snacks. ROP check will be done the last few minutes of the exam, but a full exam will be done to check for all of the problems.
@be_a_light I’ve don’t the ROP exams with 2 year old (he was 28 weeks) and did all the follow ups until ROP was cleared. He never had it. Those visits always took awhile because of the dilation. We never did a full exam like you’re talking about.

Her dad and I don’t need glasses at all we have pretty great vision.

For the most part she seems to see very well. It’s just only when it’s in her direct line of vision it seems like. She doesn’t seem to notice things in her peripheral vision.
@ozy20 My baby had untreated ROP and when she was around 1 year old IIRC the doctor ordered a test to look at her retina and see if her eye had finished vascularizing (basically to see if there were blood vessels everywhere). I don't remember what the test is called but they dilated her eyes and then took pictures inside (doesn't hurt, she just had to look into a camera with a tiny flash) to check.
@mike84761 This camera is amazing isn’t it? We just ordered one for the Springfield MO NICU since they don’t have pediatric ophthalmology. We can now use the equipment when we fly down once a month to see their babies!!
@ozy20 My now 6 year old had ROP surgery when she was an infant. It was going to zone 3 and developing plus disease. We were told it would probably affect her peripheral vision, it wouldn’t know how much h til she was older. So far we haven’t really had any issues, but also just done regular eye check ups.