Requesting help: Unavoidable weeklong travel away from 1 y.o


New member
I have to travel internationally for a family emergency and for several reasons my 1 y.o. cannot travel with me.

Details: Leaving Wednesday evening (in roughly 24 hours). Trip will last 6 days total including 20+ hrs travel time one-way.

I'd be grateful for any general advice and/or specific tips to 1) make the separation manageable, especially for my baby but also for me, and 2) help me continue breastfeeding upon my return (so at minimum I will pump to keep up supply). I plan to BF as long as it works for both of us, and it's working well at the moment. Rough goal is until 2-2.5 years of age.

Baby is a little clingy nowadays and really enjoys nursing for comfort. I'm nervous and it breaks my heart that I have to be away from him for six days given that BF is a major source of comfort for him. Fortunately, partner and my mother will be with him, and he's well attached to both of them. He actually fusses when my mom walks away from him even if I'm still with him :) Would love this community's insights or even just reassurance that he will be fine, and that BF doesn't have to prematurely end b/c of this trip (or maybe it does - I'm open to hearing all experiences). Thank you!
@risto We were definitely a bit unusual, but I worked away from LO for 5 days per 4 weeks from 5 months old. Lo breastfed until just over 2. I think I stopped pumping while away when he was about 18 months, still had milk when I came home each time. Before that, I would pump every 6 hours. I froze the milk and carried it in a portable battery powered freezer, then would just take the battery out and check the freezer on the way home. So it is definitely doable. I found the spectra s9 portable pump invaluable. Would take pump, bags, flanges, bottles to pump into, sharpie, milton tabs for sterilising. We did video calls each night, but at 1 yo I don't think LO really understood those yet.
@risto Is there anything you're comfortable sharing about why your baby can't come with you? And how long do you have before leaving? When were you planning to wean if this trip hadn't come up?