Regulating Cycles


New member
Hi everyone,
I’m so frustrated this month. My husband (29) and I (28) are on cycle 6 of TTC. Before this month, my cycles have been 29-32 days long. Right now I’m going on day 40! I’m so sad and frustrated. I’ve read the statistics about percentages of couples conceiving by month 6 and that has me bummed out. We moved across the country this month so I’m sure the stress and change of routine is playing a role. I’ve been using OPK’s but wasn’t as vigilant this month. I haven’t seen an LH surge yet so I don’t know if I missed it or it hasn’t come yet. I’ve been taking pregnancy tests since the day my period was due and they’re all BFN. I’ve been generally eating healthy, exercising, no alcohol, no caffeine, taking a prenatal (plus iron, co-q 10, and probiotic). We did the YO at home SA for my husband and that was normal. Thinking about adding pink stork fertility tea and mucinex in next cycle. Is there anything I’m missing? Anything else I can do? I thought about going in to find a doctor in my new area to see what they’d say. Online scheduling for the OBGYNs in the area says they’re not seeing new patients until September. Do you think it’s worth calling about? I’m starting to feel very hopeless.
@huckleberry Right here with you. We started cycle 6 today and I also bummed myself out by googling the percentages of couples that usually get pregnant by this point. Moving is one of the most stressful things, especially across the country! I started acupuncture last month and it gave me a longer LH surge and I seemed to also have more CM than usual. So maybe that could be something to look into?
@balonius I will definitely look into the acupuncture. Worth a try! Whenever I say anything about the statistics my husband says the infamous “you need to relax” or “stressing out isn’t going to help”. Aghhhhh!
@huckleberry I’m sorry you’re feeling frustrated. Ttc is extremely taxing to say the least.

I’m on cycle 7 and similar story. Cycles went from 27-29 days to upwards of 45. I did go to my doctor and he sent me over to an OB. He did run all basic lab tests and I had an ultrasound done. Blood work showed elevated testosterone levels and ultrasound showed femoral hernias. I feel like I have more questions than answers. I hope OB can shed some light for me next week when I see her.

If something feels off it doesn’t hurt to see the doctors. Worst they can do is run some tests. Best wishes for you. I hope you get some answers.
@huckleberry My cycles are 27-30 days normally. This past cycle, and the cycle exactly twelve cycles ago was 37 days long, which when I was averaging 29 the last six months was horrifying for me, especially when both times I was sure I must be pregnant but wasn’t. I cried so often about being defective, but my doctor thinks it was stress. I hope your period and then a positive come soon!
@huckleberry I’m deciding to try it this cycle as I have very little cm around ovulation I’ve heard many good things from it definitely can’t wait to see if it makes a difference
@huckleberry Hey don’t feel hopeless! I was in the exact same boat as you a few months ago! For the past year my cycles were 40-45 days and I wasn’t ovulating despite eating healthy, exercising and taking all my vitamins and prenatals. I started taking Eu Natural Conception capsules about 3 months ago and it totally regulated my period to a 26-27 day cycle and I’m finally ovulating! Not sure what prenatals you are currently taking, but I’d give the Eu Natural Conception capsules a shot (you can buy them on Amazon). Still, definitely make an appointment with your OBGYN though in case there’s any underlying issues. TTC can be so frustrating and stressful, but don’t lose hope! 💗