Reflux & Formula


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My son has been battling reflux since about 2 weeks old. He’s 8 weeks now. He likes Similac 360 total care but it’s the one that gives him the absolute worst reflux. He’s screaming and crying in pain arching his back tears flowing down his face. We’re also on 0.6ml of Pepcid but It’s clearly not helping. What formula helped with reflux? I’d like to save the hypoallergenic formulas as a last resort. After his last episode of screaming in pain I’m terrified to feed him again
@lovethethree My son is 6 weeks old, also bad reflux. We tried Enfamil AR for a week and a half and it only caused him terrible gas pains and constipation. We’re also on 0.6 ml Pepcid per day as well as gas drops with every feed and 0.25 gripe water twice daily. We switched to Alimentum last week and he’s doing so much better. I also wanted to try this last but it has helped, from what I can tell he seems more comfortable and content but he has silent reflux so it’s hard to measure. We’ve definitely had less crying and he drinks his bottles without fussing anymore!! He does prefer the RTF over powder.
@lovethethree Talk to your ped about an AR (added rice) formula or using a thickener with 360.

Both my boys took about 10 days for the medicine to kick in fully. My first did well on an AR formula and my second did not. He is currently on Good Start Soothe + Gel Mix thickener.

Good luck mama!
@lovethethree Our baby is four months and we struggled with very bad reflux for a long time despite being on famotidine. We finally saw a GI specialist who prescribed Omeprazole and it's been a game changer the past two weeks. Her intake is higher and she's no longer showing the painful signs of reflux. I would push to see a specialist , some babies just need stronger meds.
@lovethethree My baby is on Similac Alimentum and taking Famotidine and it’s been a life changer. I felt exactly like you did, I was scared to feed her because she would always be in pain afterwards for hours. We tried a couple of different things, but what we are doing right now has been the best for her.