Rate my registry!


New member
I’ve been working on this since before I got pregnant. Let me know what you think of my registry items. What should I add? What is completely unnecessary? What do you think I need more or less of? Help me create the perfect registry!

I don’t have a set budget but I’d love to save money anywhere possible but don’t mind spending a little more where it’s absolutely needed. I already own a few cloth diapers I plan on trying and I’d prefer disposables and all other baby lotions and soaps to be natural/plant based whenever possible.
@prosedorothy I would get rid of the baby pillow and all of the decorative burp cloths. Instead, ask for cotton prefold cloth diapers. The osocozy size 1s are about $8 for a pack of 6 and are great! If you request gerber make sure they’re 100% cotton because some have a polyester pad in them. They’re more absorbent and provide more coverage than decorative burp cloths. Receiving and muslin swaddle blankets also work well for absorbing messes.

I also recommend a couple of wet bags or wet/dry bags to contain any messes when out and about without having to rely on plastic bags. Also great for swimwear. I really love thirsties and planetwise

A baby bum brush. Get it. Worth it.

Soothies gel breast pads. Lanolin.