/r/infertility’s National Infertility Awareness Week AMAs - links to yesterday & today’s AMAs


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/r/infertility National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) Ask Me Anything (AMA) Events

TODAY - Tuesday, April 23rd, Dr. Monica Starkman (/@lattelily-Starkman) will be doing an AMA starting at 6:30am PDT (9:30am EDT)

AMA link

Dr. Starkman is a psychiatrist and a novelist. She is a professor in the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry and a member of its Depression Center. Her special interests are mind-body interrelationships, and psychological aspects of womens’ encounters with fertility and pregnancy issues. She writes regularly for Psychology Today on her Expert’s blog “On Call”, with many articles about infertility and miscarriage. Her novel, The End of Miracles, was written to help educate the public about these issues. It is about a woman whose deep need to bear a child is sabotaged by infertility and a tragic late miscarriage.

TODAY - Tuesday, April 23rd, Dr. Jason Yeh (/@esper) will be teaming up with Dr. Kenan Omurtag (/@hupto) for an AMA at 1:00pm PDT (4:00pm EDT)

AMA link

Both physicians are board certified obstetrician gynecologists and reproductive endocrinologists who take care of all things related to pregnancy, infertility, and reproductive hormone issues. Our typical day consists of minor/major surgery cases, diagnostic testing, and procedures such as intrauterine insemination all the way to in vitro fertilization egg retrievals and embryo transfers. Our practice focus includes polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), unexplained infertility, male infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, third party reproduction (egg donation, sperm donation, gestational surrogacy), basic infertility treatments (ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination), and advanced fertility treatments (In vitro fertilization, preimplantation genetic testing/diagnosis, comprehensive chromosome screening).

Monday, April 22, /@khobson, REI specializing in personalized care - AMA link

Complete 2019 NIAW AMA Schedule

If you are taking part in the AMAs and come to us from another subreddit or social media, please familiarize yourself with our sub’s rules.