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Hello! I am wondering if anyone has experience with what I’m going through right now and hopefully this is the correct place to post !
I had unprotected sex (March 29th) LMP was March 15 . I took a plan b the next night but I must have already been ovulating because April 14th I had a bright dark positive. My question is since I took the plan b there’s no way my dates could be off and I could be earlier than expected ? Here’s why I ask.
I went in to an ultrasound place where you just pay to see/get pictures to just confirm and see how far along I was. I was told to go to the ER because I looked ectopic, went to the ER and they said “nope you’re just really early” after doing all the scans and bloodwork and such. I was only 4 weeks 5 days. The girl who did the ultrasound asked me to come back so she could re check me for peace of mind so I did that at 5 weeks and 1 day , I had a gestational sac but no yolk sac yet. I went back today when I should be 6 weeks 4 days and there was a yolk sac but no fetal pole and the sac was measuring 6 weeks only. The ultrasound tech said my dates are probably just off but I know they aren’t or the plan b would have worked? Any insight is helpful.

P.S I have two kids and am happy to have a third just wasn’t expecting it so soon!

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