Questions about birth certificate. (Also sorry about my username 🥴)

@kiddoleknocker If you guys have been having an amicable arrangement until now, if you need to go the legal route you can, but perhaps he will see the wisdom of the fact that going from 0 overnights to a week full of overnights is a bit much. Why not propose start with 1 night a week and go from there see if he will understand that gradual is better for your son and also for him to realize how much work it will take and have time to adjust
@kallim22 We had an amicable agreement. Until he started this fuck shit. I’ve paid for the majority of our sons school for the past two weeks when that was the deal...for HIM to pay it. And he does every other weekend. I honestly don’t think he can do it for a week. This is all so damn stupid :(
@kiddoleknocker File yourself. If the father files he has a bigger chance og getting more custody. If you have records of all the times your child was at his dad's use that. Say he was never interested until he got with this new woman. Keep records of everything. I'm currently going through a custody battle Aswell and will be filing papers as soon as I talk to my lawyer on Thursday.

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