Hi there,
First-time mom here! I am interested in learning how to back-carry my 11-week old. I’m guessing it will be a few weeks before I actually attempt this. Front-carries (I have a boba and bought an old Bjorn prior to knowing about the hip dysplacia issue) hurt my back after a while, and I’d like to have another carrying option.
Other cultures back-carry their newborns from birth. I feel that companies should be working harder to provide Western women an easier way to back-carry young babies given the freedom and lower risk of back pain, but I’m sure there are liability issues in a neurotic society hyper-concerned with the .0001% risk of a given choice (many of which are statistically safer than driving with a baby in the car, which we don’t question).
Anyway… I’m wondering who here has experience with carrying their young babies. I am willing to learn how to use a woven but I need to purchase it first and spend a while (not sure how long) teaching myself how to wrap her using this or a rucksack technique with a weighted backpack and then spotted over a bed. Could be weeks of practice?! Not sure! I’m also considering purchasing a mouldable mei tai as this website says they can be used for carrying younger babies. (please recommend any you like!)
According to this website under the subheading “When can I put my baby on my back in a soft structured carrier? (eg meh dai, full buckle carrier)” even a full-buckle carrier can be used with young babies if the parents feel it is supportive enough (although this is generally not recommended). I’m wondering if I could find a SSC or buckle carrier that provides decent support for my nearly 3-month old (who has good neck control), especially if I add a scarf for further neck support (such as at the end of this video).
If anyone has experience with this, I’d be grateful for some insight! Honestly given the busy season of life I’d rather purchase a SSC/mei tai or even an adequate buckled carrier than having to figure out the woven immediately…
Would appreciate any insight and/or recommendations (for a SSC/mei tai or even buckled carrier) from experienced back-carriers
First-time mom here! I am interested in learning how to back-carry my 11-week old. I’m guessing it will be a few weeks before I actually attempt this. Front-carries (I have a boba and bought an old Bjorn prior to knowing about the hip dysplacia issue) hurt my back after a while, and I’d like to have another carrying option.
Other cultures back-carry their newborns from birth. I feel that companies should be working harder to provide Western women an easier way to back-carry young babies given the freedom and lower risk of back pain, but I’m sure there are liability issues in a neurotic society hyper-concerned with the .0001% risk of a given choice (many of which are statistically safer than driving with a baby in the car, which we don’t question).
Anyway… I’m wondering who here has experience with carrying their young babies. I am willing to learn how to use a woven but I need to purchase it first and spend a while (not sure how long) teaching myself how to wrap her using this or a rucksack technique with a weighted backpack and then spotted over a bed. Could be weeks of practice?! Not sure! I’m also considering purchasing a mouldable mei tai as this website says they can be used for carrying younger babies. (please recommend any you like!)
According to this website under the subheading “When can I put my baby on my back in a soft structured carrier? (eg meh dai, full buckle carrier)” even a full-buckle carrier can be used with young babies if the parents feel it is supportive enough (although this is generally not recommended). I’m wondering if I could find a SSC or buckle carrier that provides decent support for my nearly 3-month old (who has good neck control), especially if I add a scarf for further neck support (such as at the end of this video).
If anyone has experience with this, I’d be grateful for some insight! Honestly given the busy season of life I’d rather purchase a SSC/mei tai or even an adequate buckled carrier than having to figure out the woven immediately…
Would appreciate any insight and/or recommendations (for a SSC/mei tai or even buckled carrier) from experienced back-carriers