PSA - $7,984


New member
Is how much it cost to have my IUD removed in an emergency room in the USA. With "incredible" insurance coverage, my total was $961.

I wish I took it out myself. It was barely hanging in my cervix. I could have done it. I can't stop crying. I have a 19m old, I'm alone, $1500 in bills every month, $1100 for daycare, I cannot afford $961! I will never have that much extra money! Every penny I save is for my daughter's future.

The pro lifers have officially won; I am going celibate. No sex. Because there is no access to affordable birth control, or safe abortions. This is the end. Fuck everything. I am so done existing in this world.
@peatiron Do you have a line by line billing statement from the ER? If not, you should request one; as you might be able to contest certain charges and get them removed from your total

I'm so so sorry this is happening to you, it's truly awful what healthcare has become in America
@jrobbins Thank you! I requested one, yes. They said to dispute it with my insurance company first, get a reference number, and then have the hospital re run it. But if I don't make a payment in the mean time it will be sent to collections regardless. Luckily, I also just learned the payments can be as tiny as you need!!
@peatiron You can often get put on an insurance hold by a billing company! Call and ask. Explain your concern about possible billing discrepancies.

Also it’s my understanding that medical collections does not have the same impact as other collections, but I admittedly don’t know enough about that.
@cyrilbruno Yes! Definitely contact the hospital to request a payment plan! Most will allow you to do very small monthly payments.. this will get you more time to contest the charges without anything going to collections!
@cyrilbruno Definitely! The hospital has assistance to cover bills- you just need to call & speak with someone on how to apply! (When I had my son years ago my insurance was horrible- I was left with a $32,000 bill. Financial aid from the hospital covered it- without it, I would have been absolutely screwed. It was a simple application and I’ve been forever grateful!)
@peatiron This is insane. I just went to planned parenthood and ask them to take it out. I didn’t pay a thing and it took 2 seconds! They literally just pulled it out. Why the heck are they charging almost $8,000? This is one of the many reasons I am so ready to get out of the US.
@historia When I got my nexplanon implant removed in an outpatient surgery center due to it being “lost” it cost around $4k because it wasn’t the standard cut a hole and fish it out. Standard procedures are often covered, but ER or other surgeries don’t seem to fall into that category these days :(
@trueheart5 Wut, that’s fucked omg I’m sorry you went through that :( like more likely than not it’s the providers mistake (inserting too deeply) or a faulty product that makes those things happen, it’s absolutely terrible that we have to pay for someone else’s mistakes!
@trueheart5 My niece-in-law’s doctor measured her wrong and perforated her intestines during her IUD insert. That’s right - it went through her uterus and into her intestines.

After getting dismissed TWICE and told it’s perfectly normal to bleed profusely and be in so much pain you can’t walk, she went to the ER where they discovered the mistake.

She had to pay an insane medical bill and had to take antibiotics for a month to prevent an infection and sepsis. AND she didn’t even get to keep the IUD for obvious reasons lol. She literally paid tens of thousands of dollars and went through hell for nothing in return. F*** the U.S. We treat women like livestock in this country and I’ve had it too. I just want to get a hysterectomy and get it all over with.
@newfaither Oh that’s terrifying! My insertion was literally the worst, I cried on the chair after they put it in, and could literally only sit on my office floor in the fetal position for about 2 days after the insertion. Cramps were terrible for ~6 months, and sometimes still bother me but it feels “normal” now. I think I’ll always worry that something could be horribly wrong when there’s something in my body I can’t get out myself.
@historia Good for you? I'm really surprised!

I had been bleeding for 9 days, thought it was a normal IUD period since they're crazy in the first 6 months. Nope. I went to work on the 9th night, and bled through a tampon, and a pad I had in case, in less than 40min. It was horrific when I took the tampon out. I bled through another tampon and pad, and my pants, all over my seat, as I drove 20min to the hospital. They told me it was barely hanging in my cervix and that I had to take it out.

When you schedule a removal and replacement, it's different. I was going to bleed out if I didn't get help right then. It had torn through the tissue that grew around it and I am anemic.
@peatiron It should still be free, I think definitely make a claim with your insurance company and cite that you got your iud removed! They should definitely adjust your claim. They definitely can make mistakes, I’ve adjusted claims in the past when diagnostic testing was supposed to be free. Don’t be afraid to do that, it’s your right. This is a grey area since it was the er but it still should be much cheaper than that if not free.