Preschool Woes


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What do I do?

My son is 4.5yrs old (a little old for this subreddit, but his emotional skills seem to be behind the curve, so I figured others might be able to relate) and is really struggling to regulate himself while he's at daycare. Last week he ramped up his negative behavior by spitting, hitting/punching, kicking, and throwing objects (mainly his shoes) at other kids and his teachers. I had to pick him up early one day last week and again this morning (he lasted a whole 3 hours) because his behaviors are so unsafe.

Within the last year, we've tried getting him evaluated through the county (Child Find), a child psychologist, and we've taken parenting classes, read a bunch of books, worked on various strategies with him, talked about these issues and given him logical consequences on days he's gotten Incident Reports sent home, and so far nothing has changed. When he sets his mind on the idea that "I don't wanna be at school," he'll take out his frustrations on other people rather than using his words. If the teachers try to get him to a place to calm him body down, most of the time it just makes him fight back harder like a caged animal.

He's been full time at this school for 7 months, but was switched out from the 3-4yr old room and put in the 4-5 yr old room a couple months ago to separate him from other boys who egged him on even more. So far it's been a positive transition, but now he's backsliding. I've already put in an application for public pre-k this fall but it'll take a while to hear back. At this point, I think the daycare is about done with him and is thinking about kicking him out.

I'm a SAHM that plans to go back to work in the fall. But for this summer, should I see if he'll do better going only 3 days a week like his younger sister? Should we seek outside help in some form again? Are there any strategies anyone else has tried that helped a kid feel better about going to school? (He gives me zero information for why he doesn't like it btw. Seems like he's having tons of fun in the pictures they send me...) What do we do about his aggression that seems to come from nowhere? Help!
@believeume When my 5year old started having behavioral issues at school we started a reward system with the teachers.

He would have a series of thumbs ups and if he got all good marks he'd get a reward at home. Bad marks and he lost a reward or privilege depending on the severity. The thumbs up are for: listening to teacher, keeping hands to self, not hurting his friends, being proud of himself.

This last time we had to collect him from school he was grounded to his room for the remainder of the school day and as it was a Friday he was grounded from his tablet for the weekend. We haven't had to do this again.

We've also instituted that if he doesn't go to school for the school day then he can read books in his room. He quickly realized school was a lot more fun and being at home is not.