Prenatal appt rant


New member
Hi everyone I’m just a little upset and want to rant. I’ve had my baby she’s 11 weeks old. The clinic that I was going to that takes my insurance just sent me a bill for my FIRST visit. The visit in which I had my ultrasound to check for baby’s heartbeat. They informed me that they accepted my insurance hence why I went there. The rest of the appointments I haven’t received a bill for. i contacted my insurance they informed me that I should’ve never received the bill. From my understanding the midwife that took my appointment filled something out wrong or she wasn’t covered by my insurance. I’ve had so many different midwives during my pregnancy but in the same clinic. Sometimes I’d have my appointment with one but since babies come on their own time that midwife would be delivering or something else so I would get someone else. My insurance issued a statement to them to which they sent me a copy. The billing department is refusing to contact my insurance and instead is always asking me to contact them and claiming they have yet to receive payment for this bill.
I’m just annoyed. Has this happened to anyone before?