Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

@tylerbiblethumper Thats amazing! Well done! So cool to see someone with an in-depth plan as my own!

I dont want to overwhelm myself with food requirements outside of the "eat Mediterranean-ish diet" and colorful veggies. I dont want to feel guilt or have an unhealthy relationship ship with foods, I also don't know what I'll hate/crave so im trying to remain open, so the extra vitamins give me a lot of confidence and reliability.

Thank you so much for explaining! I'll definitely check out your plan! Good luck!
@jasonvr Nice lineup you got there :)

I’ve been taking Best Nest “Ready, Set, Go” fertility formula (they’re basically prenatals) & Best Nest Algae-based DHA for ~4 months. Drinking GoodBelly dairy free probiotics each day and more recently, I’m taking white chia & flaxseed meal in my oats to pack in healthy fats. Probably getting more than I need but I’m pescatarian, don’t eat land meat, so why not be safe rather than sorry!
@vhialemon Youre one of the few with positive inputs so I really appreciate you!

Thank you for sharing your own plans!

I ended up getting a bloodiest result that said my iron and vitamisn were good so I ended up dropping the iron one c:

Idk if I put it on there but I've also been having 2 servings a week of kombucha for the prebiotic/healthy gut and I love it! I already add chia seeds so ill check out flax and white chia seeds too! Great ideas!

I appreciate you sharing! Good luck with your journey!
@jasonvr I just started using the MegaFood Baby and Me 2 plus the MegaFood Calcium + Magnesium supplement (taken hours later). Maybe the latter would be a better option for you than Blood Builder.

I also take Nordic Naturals DHA and a probiotic by Klaire Labs. I don’t take those every day, however.

I’m sensitive to vitamins, so I need to be careful.

Others I’ve tried include: Perelel, Garden of Life Raw, and Vital Nutrients PreNatal Multi-Nutrients.

How are you liking Baby and Me 2?
@spazmoidfry Hey lovely!

I ended up getting a blood test and talking to my dr about her reccomendstions!

She suggested no extra iron just to add more iron-y foods & vitamin d drops (2k UI) for now and everything else looked great!

I LOVE the multivitamin! I can tell a true physical difference when I skip my regime and work is so much more difficult without it!

We ended up having a change in our plans so we won't be conceiving until sometime next year but I aim to continue to take a cheaper multi + fish oil + vitamin d & c

Saving the choline & coq10 until we TTC c:

I had a discount on Nordic naturals fish oil and those were good! But my research didn't find a huge difference in fish oil so I just get whatever is one sale & has decent taste reviews.

Im glad this thread helped after all this time!
@spazmoidfry As a planner I barely saw anything about them! I was stunned considering there are so many! Even my doctor was like "whichever" 🙃

So I was happy to ask advices but a lot of ppl weren't really interested lmao or just downright mad so whateva! Super happy this has helped someone though! And maybe even others who just haven't commented!
@jasonvr Lol my primary physician said to use whichever. She said she likes one a day ones from the drugstore. My naturopath wanted me to use these high potency ones (Vital Nutrients) that I used for a while, but the more research I did, I realized it wasn’t the best formulation for me. It’s also 6 pills/day….

I like the whole food prenatals. My research has shown those are absorbed best. Garden of Life and MegaFood are both good brands for whole food prenatals. I like that MegaFood includes choline, which is rare to find in a prenatal. I also like that MegaFood doesn’t include magnesium or calcium in their multivitamins - research shows these shouldn’t be taken with iron for best absorption.

I’m surprised more people don’t talk about what supplements they take. There are so many options out there.

I get extremely painful periods, and if I weren’t TTC I would take super high doses of fish oil for the pain (it works!), but while TTC I am taking a normal to low dose of fish oil because I suspect high doses can be detrimental to conception & implantation. Fish oil has similar inhibitory effects on prostaglandins as ibuprofen. Prostaglandins are necessary for conception and implantation, and ibuprofen has been shown to severely impede these processes due to its effect on prostaglandins. I suspect high doses of fish oil could have a similar effect, so I am careful with dosage.

Antioxidants like CoQ10 and pine tree bark extract (pycnogenol) affect my cycle too much, so I don’t take those, either.
@spazmoidfry Thank you for sharing so much knowledge! It's really cool meeting someone who has done as much research as I have! If not more lol I also didn't like the whole 6 pills a day some have! I think thats what I didntlike about naturelo because they had a nice prenatal too but I dont recall why I chose megafoods over jt

I used the vitamins suggested by the research in " It Takes An Egg ' o wanted more choline in my diet, I dont recall if the added choline was in there or not but she goes over a ton of supplements. The reasons behind them and the effects which is helpful.

I already avoid pain pills like the plague but I know they help some women at low doses for specific health issues (I dont recall which), but thats still good to know as an added benefit!

If you'd like a great ttc area, r/ttcNewbie is fantastic. The mods recently posted a thread in WTT (waiting to try) if you'd like an invite.

I wish you the best on your TTC journey!
@jasonvr Have you had your doctor do a blood test or ask them about all the vitamins you are taking and if they are necessary.

My doctor recommended a prenatal and told me that is all I need unless I become deficient in something while I am pregnant.