Pregnant runners Q&A


New member
Hi all!

I’m 30 weeks pregnant and a runner… ran about 40-50 miles/week before pregnancy. I write a newsletter on running and am looking for other pregnant runners to share their experiences on running while pregnant. If you’re interested in contributing or learning more, email me at!
@peter8224 Can I just comment and let you know I started running again at 32 weeks after taking two months off/only hiking and I ended up with hemorrhoids from all of the pressure?😅 so that is my experience, lol.
@peter8224 Pregnancy #1: major SIJ injury at 10 weeks, could hardly walk. Swam 30min when I could. Birthed baby 34 weeks and started running around 8ish weeks postpartum. Fitness came back FAST.

Pregnancy #2: 31 weeks pregnant. Could not run at all last week as I had constant lightning crotch/baby felt like he was going to fall out lol. I think my running days are over this pregnancy; and labor might be nearing. Early baby again? We shall see! But I can’t WAIT to get back to running…
But this pregnancy, I stuck to mostly 30min easy runs most days. Figuring out I was iron deficient played a MASSIVE role in how I felt
@peter8224 Hey there!
Just hit 13 weeks of my 1st pregnancy (IVF) and finally starting to get my energy back! I ran my last 1/2 marathon right before my harvest and took it easy after implant.
Doc cleared me and encouraged my running but I’m struggle-bussing with pacing and finding my endurance again.
I used to workout 6-7 days/week - now I’m run/walking and barely getting 3 miles in in under 30 mins.
Does it get better???