Pregnancy symptoms on IUD or overthinking?


New member
I’ve had my second mirena IUD for about 6 months after my first one was partially expelled. I’ve never really been able to feel my strings super well but after 8 weeks I had an ultrasound which showed proper placement. I tried to feel them a couple days ago and felt them a little bit and was not able to feel any plastic sticking out etc.

About 10 days ago I was intimate with my partner and we also used a condom and he didn’t finish inside of me. I thought this was enough protection but for the last 4-5 days I’ve had weird symptoms. I’ve been having mild tension headaches, pelvic pain/cramps that come and go especially on one side, back pain (like the sides and up top too), sore muscles/joints, mild lightheadedness, and a ton of bloating/gas. I don’t know if I’m just so freaked out and anxious that I’m being paranoid and these symptoms are psychosomatic or if there’s something going on. Any ideas? I really thought I’d be safe with 3 methods but now I’m not so sure. And for reference I don’t really get regular periods on the IUD but will occasionally get one or spot.

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