Pregnancy after d&c


New member
I was pregnant for 10 1/2 weeks. We was able to see the heart beat at 9 weeks and then it stopped beating. We are unsure what happened but on April 10th I had a d&c. I bleed for a week and a half. They did not scrape my uterus but only sucked out the remains of my baby. It’s been 3 1/2 weeks since my d&c. I had signs of ovulation on the 23rd of April and we have been trying to conceive. I have all of the same symptoms I had with my last pregnancy. I have bad acne I’ve only had during pregnancy that went away after my procedure. It’s now came back. I am constipated. I have bad heart burn and indigestion every night when I lay down. Which all of these symptoms were the same for my last pregnancy. I took a test today and it was negative but I know it's too early to tell if i am. my body is telling me im pregnant but the test is showing negative. i was told i would ovulate two weeks after my d&c and had symptoms of it then too. i was unsure if this was ongoing pregnancy symptoms or if its a new pregnancy. which my symptoms went away and now they are back. anybody have the same issues and maybe how long until you became pregnant after your miscarriage?