Preeclampsia and 34 Week Di/Di Twin Boys


New member
Hey there,

My wife is 34 weeks pregnant with Di/Di boys last Thursday we were sent to L&D triage to address high blood pressure (140s/90s). After labs we found that her urine marker for preeclampsia was just over the 0.30 reference range at 0.34. Today we went in for a growth scan and twin A measured in the 53rd percentile and was estimated to weigh 5.6lbs and baby B was in the 59th percentile and was estimated to weigh 5.9lbs. The doctor we met with said that my wife was showing preeclampsia without severe features now but that she expected severe features to show up soon. We will likely deliver in the next two weeks (36 or less weeks). Anyone else have a similar experience? Did you have NICU time? How can I best help my wife remain calm? Any general advice? Thanks!

@codymcg Hiya, I was admitted at 33 weeks, gave birth at 34 weeks to girls at 4.4lbs ish. Your babies are a good size! We had the steroids to help their lungs function when they came out and neither needed more than a brief stint of oxygen. We didn't need NICU (we actually don't have one in my town) but we did stay in SCBU for 2.5 weeks. The girls did really well at learning to feed but I lived in the hospital with them. They needed a bit of time in the UV bag for jaundice too. I was admitted myself for postpartum pre-eclampsia so keep an eye out for symptoms of that if she doesn't keep recieving treatment. Make sure her urine, bloods and BP is kept monitored. Good luck! They are 18 months now. It is amazing.