Power Tools: 1 - Kids: 0


New member
Today, my girlfriends kids were just acting out, being awful, just terrorizing me and the home. They got home from school and just flat out "forgot" everything that they're responsible for. Their homework, their chores, their manners, right from wrong. They got their snack, left the kitchen a mess, ate food they know they're not suppose to eat, brought it into their room which they are not suppose to do, made more of a mess, stood on the counter instead of using the stool, rough housing with each other--throwing each other to the floor, etc. Mind you they were with their biological father this weekend -- Where they get to do what they want, when they want and how they want to do it + plus they're waited on. (I am sure some of you know exactly what I am talking about and deal with and need to correct repetitively). The older one more so because the carelessness and drive to be as lazy as humanly possible is the go to. The younger one actually, is responsible, way more mature (both preteen), doesn't act out hardly at all, isn't disrespectful like their older sibling, helps out around the house w/o being asked and most of the time an angel. When they get back home my girlfriend and I give them a few moments to unwind and know that over at dads it is a fantasy and unrealistic and going to bed past midnight while is unacceptable at their age even on the weekend (it is out of our control), eating all day, sitting on your butts watching TV or playing video games is just not the norm. Now you're back home so get into the mindset of what is reality, your responsibilities and because you know what is expected of you to get into gear.

Some back story--I have these older tablets that were collecting dust, slow as all get out something I would not use in my everyday life and surely not worth any money (not worth trying to sell) being so many generations old -- Anyway, long story short I provided them the opportunity to earn them as a means of use, being things are not just given to you because you ask for them and things surely can be taken away if they are mishandle, etc. Through chores they earned them -- They have two hours of screen time on the weekends and no screen time during the week during the school year... When they act out I kindly remind them that I will take away their tablet if they do something wrong they know is right or misbehave-- And that happens from time to time. Just like all kids they lose the privilege to use their electronics or games or whatever is the hot toy that all kids have these days. More often then not, it was the older one because it is en-grained to act out and misbehave. Not sure, what the problem is but the older one reminds himself/herself that they're bad and they're good at being bad and choose to be bad. As their behavior got worse, I kindly reminded them that they will lose their tablet and if this behavior keeps up, I will drill a hole through their tablets and they will no longer have it... It was my last resort; kind of like counting to 3, but never actually getting to 3.

Well folks, you guessed it; today was that day! Both their tablets have holes in them and it felt sooooooo good! They hit a nerve and that was that. No more worrying about screen time. No more bad behavior either. Should be smooth sailing the rest of the school year lol.