Potential to work part-time instead of full-time

@patrickdenton How much do you love your job and how amenable is your profession to longer breaks?

In my dream world I could SAHM for like 5 years AND re-enter my profession with no issues and magically not be rusty at all. 😅

Anyway that’s not possible in my case so I went down to VERY part time. I work very little but I have my foot in the door and maintain my skills etc. If you are able to take the time off completely without issue - do it!

I’ll try to answer your qs
  1. Best division will depend on your childcare situation so this is hard to say.
  2. I do feel like part time is the best of both worlds. I have a job I actually love but I don’t have to sacrifice time with my child. The idea of only seeing him on evenings/weekends/holidays kills me 😭😭😭 I feel so grateful to have this time with him. It’s juggling for sure and I do miss how I only had him to focus on during mat leave.
  3. I don’t hate anything about part time. I have a more-stressful-than-average job and not one I can sleepwalk through. I sometimes stress about the fact that I don’t have as much time to devote to excelling. Because I’m at work, but not full time with my kid in daycare, I sometimes feel a little like an outsider. But I’m a lifelong outsider lmaoo
  4. Honestly no tips to share I’ll be lurking for some!
  5. The other thing I would consider is qualifying for mat leave. Don’t know where you live but since you didn’t specify I’ll assume you’re American ;)
In my province (in Canada) you need to work a certain number of hours to qualify for mat leave. If I wanted more than one kid I would either have to work full time or space them out more than some might want if I wanted to qualify. But based on your income I’m assuming that’s not a concern.