Potential conceiving issues


New member
Hello, I wanted to do some research because my mom mentioned I may not be able to conceive. I (20f) have A+ blood type, my fiancé (24m) has B- blood type. We both want at least one kid together, we would both be up for one more together but we both also want to adopt. I was talking to my mom and she mentioned she had a friend who couldn’t conceive because of blood type differences and I was wondering if I would fall into that boat. I’ve looked things up on google and I’ve come across different things saying I can only conceive from A or O blood. But I’ve also found other sources saying that if there’s a incompatibility they make “vaccines” to stop my body from developing antibodies and attacking the baby. So I was wondering if you all have any experience with something like this? We don’t plan on conceiving until after we get married in 2024

Update to add: I am just coming on here to get an idea. I will talk to a doctor when we do start planning on conceiving. I just wanted to get feelers I guess.
@evie12 For reference. I am O+ my first is O- and my second is B+. I’m assuming hubby is B something. I don’t think blood type affects fertility, but I may be wrong.
@evie12 The biggest issue is if you have a negative blood type and the baby ends up with a positive blood type. Then you have to get a shot during pregnancy. But you have a positive blood type so that wouldn’t affect you.
@evie12 The chances of that happening are so rare you're more likely to be struck by lightning. There's nothing to worry about, but you could consult a doctor to answer your questions since mothers and Google are not reliable sources
@evie12 This is for a doctor but I’ve heard of the shots to make it viable and it’s something they can catch early in pregnancy with communication between you and your doctor. As for being unable to conceive I haven’t heard of blood types affecting that.

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