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Is it normal for dissolvable stitches after a c section to pass through vagina??? 9 weeks PP already with an infection and on antibiotics and not sure if it’s completely normal or not😅
@tylerkilburn Hi! Pelvic floor therapist here :) I am just a physio, so I’m not an MD, so of course your doctor is going to be your best resource!!! Dissolvable stitches don’t work this way. The material simply breaks down! Your body is doing some serious work though, healing together 7 layers of tissue from uterus, abdomen, and all the way up to your skin layer.
A few questions to clarify: Did you have any vaginal tearing from pushing or cervical injury from dilation prior to your CS? What are some of your symptoms/where is your infection?
@aimeehdesigner Hi - no tearing however I have already had my first cycle and believe I am ovulating so the body may be getting rid of and stitches that had broken off…. They dissolve in my fingers. I’ve had heavy bleeding which has now tapered off, cramping bloating nausea etc but can also be side effects of the antibiotics being taken.