Postpartum vitamins


New member
I’m 12 weeks postpartum from an emergency c section. During my pregnancy I always took my prenatal vitamins everyday. After giving birth though I ended up having other issues on my mind that taking the vitamins slipped my mind. (Especially since I’m not breast feeding)

Well due to neglecting my vitamins I’ve been having some issues. Lots of muscle weakness, left knee clicking, left front thigh feeling sore, some muscle twitching, left arm also feeling sore, and overall just feeling em super tired (makes sense since I have a baby - but still).
I kept being told it’s hormonal and doctors have done some blood tests and they said it was all normal.
Well after ignoring the situation for the last few weeks - I’ve decided to reach out to a doctor who said that I actually have some vitamins that are considered “low normal” and to just take multivitamins. Many of those around me told me not to take multivitamins and just to take individual ones for those that you actually need.

Here are the results of my test I did august 22.
Calcium: 2.38 mmol/L
Magnesium plasma: 0.91 mmol/L
Ferritin: 34 ug/L
Vitamin b12: 264 pmol/L
Sodium: 141 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.9 mmol/L

Wanted to begin taking some vitamins (especially ferritin that’s my ‘lowest’) but unsure of what and how much should I be taking.

So I’m wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms as me.
What vitamin brand is best
How much iron does it look like I should be taking a day? And if anyone knows what other vitamins would be good to also take daily !
@phoebeamory I am 20wpp and have continued to take my Prenatal vitamins everyday. Despite that, i have been experiencing muscle weakness especially in my legs and my feet. Somedays its quite bad and I can't even walk straight. My blood work came normal and the doc attributed the pains to 'overall physical toll on the postpartum body'. Which honestly, didnt give me any reassurance. I did amp up my calcium and vitd3 supplements as the bones in my feet were achy. Its given me somewhat relief. Try making it a habit, for example, when i open my bedside drawer to pump at 10pm, i pop my supplement thats kept next to it. Hope this helps!
@phoebeamory I was told to take prenatals for a full year after giving birth. I also supplement with a liquid calcium magnesium. BUT, the relaxin is still in your system and your muscles and ligaments aren’t functioning like they were pre-pregnancy. This also takes ~1 year for your body to address. PT and personal Pilates with a knowledgeable instructor both helped me