Possible Vanishing Twin Syndrome? (TW possible loss)


New member
Hi all,

Boy, was my world rocked on Friday at my 8 week dating scan.

During my dating scan the lab tech found not one, but TWO fetuses. Fetus A is measuring right on track, 8 weeks on the nose with a healthy heart rate around 155. Fetus B however is not looking good, measuring 6 weeks 2 days and a low heart rate of 72. At this time, they seem to be in the same sac (mono/mono or mono/di)

My doctor called me a couple hours later with these report findings and was straight up with me (which I appreciate) saying the prognosis for Fetus B is not looking good. Fetus B will likely stop progressing and my body will likely absorb the embryo . She didn’t express any concern for Fetus A. From my online research this is called Vanishing Twin Syndrome. If it matters, this was a natural pregnancy after 5 months of trying and I’m a healthy 30F. Husband is 34. We live in Ontario, Canada

I’ve been going through all the emotions over the last 48h. I’m not sad per say, I’d be OVER the moon with one healthy baby. Apparently (according to Google) if Fetus B is absorbed in the first trimester there is little/no outcome on the other twin.

Looking for advice/stories if any of you have gone through this or know someone who has. My biggest questions are:

1) Have there been healthy, normal outcomes for the surviving twin? Are there risks/defects etc I should be aware about?

2) I’m now worried about genetic testing. Will I be able to get the screening done with accuracy during my second trimester?

3) If this happened to you, when did an ultra sound confirm the non-progressing embryo was no longer there? Wondering how many more weeks we’ll be seeing 2 instead of one.

Appreciate ALL comments/stories, the good, bad and ugly so I can learn as much as I can about this situation. Thanks!!

FYI- I did post this on my November bump group but figured this community might also have a breadth of wisdom to add.
@brandi3167 This happens a lot more than you would think. It happened to my sister and the only reason she knew was because she had an early 8 week scan.
It could have happened to me as well for all I know as New Zealand the first scan is generally at 12 weeks.
@taylerc5 Interesting. In Canada the standard first scan is at 8 weeks so I guess these things are caught earlier. Did your sister go on to have a healthy/normal pregnancy with one of the babies? Or both?
@brandi3167 By the next scan she had which I think was 12 weeks or just after there was only one baby. She had a normal pregnancy after that.

My SIL had a miscarriage before 12 weeks and when they went into check that everything had passed and there was still a baby. She went on to have a healthy single pregnancy.
@brandi3167 I’m the surviving twin from a pair like this. I’m 35 now, and other than being born a bit late, my birth wasn’t that different from my singleton siblings.
@brandi3167 I lost my vanishing twin at 10 wks. It is heartbreaking. It doesn't take long to become attached to your wanted baby, but just like the Dr. described the baby will absorb into your body, so I just think of it like she will be with me forever. I am thankful that God gifted me with a healthy baby girl, which, through IVF, was th Initial goal. She suffers from asthma/allergies, that has nothing to do with the loss of her twin, that's completely environmental. She is 6 years old now, reads beautifully, and is completely hilarious. She plays piano, does ballet (tap, jazz, acro & dance) She is also a gymnist. (Also note I breast fed for 2yrs & I personally believe her mental development has benefited from that tremendously, I have 3 older sons (all adults) who were formula fed (only bf mid son for about 3mo then he developed allergies) they were also bright, however, I see a difference with her, it may also be a girl thing idk) she is extremely smart. Not everyone can breastfeed, but if you can, I recommend it. It was hard to ween, but it was worth the outcome. I pray for you all & wish you the best of luck if you have any questions I'm here! Take care.
@querky1976 Thanks for sharing your story and the progress of your beautiful daughter❤️ This has really given me hope!! Can I ask, was the vanishing twin in the same sac? Or did they have two separate sacs? Also were you able to get genetic testing done for your daughter after the twin had vanished?
@brandi3167 They were in two separate sacs. No, being that I did IVF, we did the genetic testing from the embryos prior to inserting them & they only took the healthier, which totaled in 9 embryos. So there was no concern that she was affected by the twin being that they were both healthy when inserted.