Possible miscarriage


New member
34F Caucasian 5’5 158lbs
Non smoker, occasional drinker prior to positive pregnancy test No drug use

LMP oct 23 had some brown spotting very early on until about one week ago.
This is My first pregnancy and due to spotting (never heavy enough to fill a pad) my Dr still scheduled me for an ultrasound and blood work which came back at ~8000 which seemed to correspond to week of gestation at the time. I went for first ultrasound on Thursday where I knew things weren’t normal since my tech barely spoke a word or showed my any images. I know their scope of work doesn’t allow them to confirm anything but the silence and coldness when asked questions was an indicator fr me. I wasn’t offered any printed images. I had hopes things would be ok because of the hcg levels one week prior. My doctor called a few hours after my scan saying things didn’t look great but the spotting I had could of been likely to to the perigestational hemorrhage. Gestational sac measuring 1.5 which corresponds to 6w2d. Embryo crown rump length : 0.3 which measures 5 w 6 days however no heartbeat. She sent me for another blood test (levels are not declining as of yet) which came back 34000 and I go for f/u US next week to see if there is any growth and to detect a heartbeat.

I have been preparing myself of confirming of miscarriage. I just wanted to see if there is anything looking positive here. I’m struggling waiting until thurs. I guess I am fortunate my dr ordered an early scan. I wasn’t scheduled for my first visit until 10 weeks so I can’t imagine thinking all that time things are going fine since many have mentioned not to really worry about light spotting.

Thanks for any feedback or similar experiences- good or bad. My husband is the only one who knows so appreciate this forum.

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