Plan b symptoms


New member
Two weeks ago a guy had humped me. We did not have intercourse at all! A bit later than 72 hours I took plan b. I been feeling nausea, emotional and depressed. When would these symptoms go away? What can I do to lessen it?
@chiefyang83 You just have to wait it out. Plan b is a massive dose of progesterone and progesterone can cause all sorts of side effects. When you get your period, that will signal a drop in progesterone and the symptoms should go away.
@chiefyang83 In the future, I wouldn’t suggest taking plan B unless you actually have intercourse. It can definitely cause you to feel off and also, Plan B can mess with your menstrual cycle so just be prepared that it may not come on time. (Could be earlier or later) I have taken it a couple times and it always messed with my period.
@chiefyang83 It’s been so long since I’ve taken it, I can’t remember exactly. I’m pretty sure the first time I took it & got my period like the next week. Another time I took it & my period was like 12 days late.