Plan B lasting effects


New member
Hey guys - I just wanted to document my experience with Plan B in case y’all are going through something similar. It’d be great to hear if you guys are going through it too… there isn’t a lot of information out there.

I have never taken any type of birth control, but I took plan b in June as a precaution to a situation that happened with me and my bf. I took it again in July out of anxiety due to another situation. In August, I had two full periods, one lasting from 8/9-8/15 and another lasting from 8/21-8/24. The second one was weird, I was bleeding heavily and it was definitely induced from the pill.

Things went back to normal in September, but each month my period come later. My period last month (January) was 2-3 days late. My February period (predicted like clockwork to be arriving on January 30th) was over 7 days late. After many pregnancy tests (5) and absolutely NO period or PMS symptoms, I’ve started to bleed brown and very light for the last three days. My moods are everywhere, I’m extremely sad and emotional, and I’ve had a major shift in personality over the past few months. Along with my periods being completely unpredictable, late and without all my usual symptoms.

Just wanted to see if you guys have any similar experiences, or encourage anyone who’s currently freaking out. They don’t tell ya, but plan b changes EVERYTHING inside of you and even 6 months later you can still be battling the side effects.

UPDATE: 2/6… for anyone going through the same thing:: After over a week, my period has come - not a normal period, clotting and brown. My 4 days of light, barely noticeable brown bleeding turned into a full period - 6 full months after I took Plan B. It still affects the body for MONTHS - the internet will make you feel crazy but it is valid!!!
@likellove Me too girl, my period comes later then usual, and my emotional state it is all over the place, I am in the same boat as you I don’t take any other birth control form .