Plan B failed


New member
I took 3 plan B’s within a 3 week period (I know it’s bad but my bf and I are long distance so it’s not often). Anyways they failed and now I am 6 weeks 6 days. I’m really nervous about the pills effecting the baby, my doctor expressed concern as well.

Has anyone gone through this and had a successful pregnancy?

Update edit: ultrasound confirmed I am 6 weeks 4 days, yolk sack in tact and heartbeat detected ❤️. Seems like baby is healthy.
@rose2017 I have a Plan B and birth control baby and my doctor said it won't impact at all, despite a nurse in the ER trying to tell me maybe that's why I had heavy bleeding to which my OB said that's not the case, which after the ultrasound it was shown to have been caused by a hemorrhage.

Now taking 3 might be a different story but from my understanding it won't at all.
@rose2017 Typically the hope with plan b is to delay or prevent ovulation. It’s not an abortion pill. In theory it shouldn’t affect the heath of your baby. It could cause early mc because poor lining due to the delay or late implantation. But if you are already 6 weeks I think it shouldn’t matter.