Pill killed my sex drive

@theo2020 I actually just made the decision to go off the pill, I have like 2ish weeks left on my pack and then I’m calling it quits. At this point I can’t wait, and I’m excited to see my old self again. There are a ton of reasons why I love the idea and concept of the pill, but not being myself is terrible. I will probably post something when I’m fully off of it. Best of luck to you!
@cowabunga Mono-Linyah is my favorite so far as well. I think it did affect my sex drive somewhat, but mostly it affected my ability to be lubricated. They're aren't 'supposed to' kill it but it is unfortunately a common side effect due to your body reacting to hormones. Our sex drive is driven by testosterone and estrogen and both of those are suppressed when you're on hormonal birth control.