Pill killed my sex drive


New member
I have been on 3 different types of BC pill.

Lo Loestrin Fe - this one didn’t work out because I would spot in the middle of every month, this went on for 6 months before I changed pills.

Enskyce - this one was the worst. I was severely depressed and N E V E R in the mood.

Mono-linyah- my current one. I feel better and being on it gives me a peace of mind.

But are the pills supposed to kill your sex drive? I’m never in the mood anymore, sex is never even on my mind. My boyfriend thinks it’s him but it’s not! I just don’t get what the point of being on the pill is if it ruins the whole reason of going on the pill.
@cowabunga Loss of libido is a common side effects of the pill. Maybe try switching BC. There are also non hormonal like the copper IUD which are very effective. Or condoms.
@cowabunga It’s a side effect. It’s supposed to be temporary. If it’s an ongoing issue for you, I’d definitely speak with your doctor about it directly, and they can help prescribe you something that will affect you less. It might just be the type/combination of hormones. Some people fare better with the mini pill or no hormones at all.

Unfortunately, like SSRIs it’s a lot of trial and error.
@loulu I feel like in general, my whole mood / personality just kind of mellowed out. I’m not depressed like the old pill I was on, which is good. But I definitely feel like a different person on the pill compared to how I was off the pill.
@cowabunga The combined pill killed my sex drive so I switched to the hormonal IUD and it’s not affected my sex drive at all! This quarantine is killing me though
@cowabunga They can, sadly most hormonal can. My mirena did and I'm still trying to get it back. switched to paragard in september but no luck still :(. Some people bounce back quick
@fraankfrnk It took me a year to realize I could have wonderful orgasms and sex after getting mirena removed so don’t give up hope yet!! It’ll come back, it just takes time.
@harperthe3rd Thank you for this. It's really starting to feel hopeless. My orgasms are more "oh, guess it's done?". Can't get aroused or in the mood. My boyfriend is a saint, I swear
@fraankfrnk I didn’t use any form of BC (I wasn’t having sex, used a condom if I did) for a few years after removing mirena so I haven’t experienced switching from one type of IUD to another, but your hormones are adjusting while your body is adjusting to another type of foreign object as well.

Hormonal IUD’s are praised for basically taking away your period, which feels so unnatural to me now. Paragard is also well know for increasing the intensity and symptoms of your period so your body probably just hasn’t settled into it’s correct cycle yet, but it will happen!! Glad you have an understanding and supportive partner through this :)
@cowabunga Same here. So did the NuvaRing too. Now I’m on the patch. It’s only been a few weeks and I’m not a fan of having a sticker on my ass (least inconvenient spot in my mind though), however, my sex drive is still there and kicking! Maybe it would be worth trying for you too!
@cowabunga Different pills create different responses, for sure. I was also on Loestrin and it was way worse in that regard. Now I'm on Gianvi and it's made no difference. I've been spotting this month for the first time since going on it in December, and that's been irritating. Hopefully it's stress-related and not a constant because it's the only pill I've ever been on that hasn't affected my libido.
@cowabunga I was on hormonal starting at 16. Multiple types of the pill, Nuva ring, depo shot, and mirena. I got the mirena removed when I was 28, at 29 I learned that I could have crazy orgasms and I loved sex! I felt like my body finally woke up. On top of other reasons for not being able to use hormonal BC anymore, I wouldn’t give up my sex drive again. It’s actually become a very important part of my relationships, and I love sharing that strong physical connection with my current partner. I chose paragard this time and, minus a painful insertion/first week, I couldn’t be happier. My sex drive remains the same, and my periods are only slightly heavier than before. I hope your lowered sex drive is only temporary, but consider a non hormonal BC option if it doesn’t. Plus paragard is effective for 10 years!!
@katrina2017 I’m glad to hear that! I was terrified I’d have horrible periods after the awful insertion and first week, but it’s only been slightly worse thus far. I’ll take it no question.