pH/burning sensation


New member
I had Skyla for almost 10 years. I’ve read that it can affect one’s pH levels during most phases of the menstrual cycle. That theory would align with a bout of recurring BV I experienced between 2 and 6 years ago.
I met my current sexual partner 4 years ago, and since then him I experienced a burning sensation most times he ejaculated inside me. Around 6 months ago, I had my IUD removed, and since shortly after that time I no longer experience the burning feeling when he comes inside me.
I’m wondering: if my pH levels were altered due to the presence of my IUD, is it possible that the pH of my husband’s ejaculate was different enough from the pH of my vagina that it caused a burning sensation when he came inside me? Is that why I no longer experience the burning after having unprotected sex with him after having my iud removed?
Does anyone know of any studies or imperical data to back up this (totally fricken random) theory? A quick google search provided only evidence that the IUD changes a woman’s pH balance, but didn’t confirm that a pH imbalance could be the cause for a burning sensation as a result of unprotected sex. Am I into something here or nah?