Parents with 6-13 children, how do you afford them?


New member
I’ve been seeing a trend on my feed of parents showing off their amount of kids. Whether that’s 6 kids, 8 kids, and just now I’ve seen two parents who had 13 kids in total. I’m just wondering what jobs or careers do you have to even take care of that many? How are you surviving out here??
@loudindie I used to work at one of the tech mega corps, and one year after my team had launched a product that was kind of a big deal for our org, one of the higher-ups (I think either a director or VP) took my whole team out to lunch. We were talking and he mentioned he has 8 kids. I'm pretty sure his wife was a SAHM

So I guess just be a director at a FAANG company. I have two kids but I'm just a measly senior software engineer.
@loudindie My husband works for the Railroad. I'm a SAHM. It's rough. Life got a lot better since he got on with the Railroad but honestly I'm so exhausted. We have 4 full time right now. And 3 that are home 3 weekends a month and every other week in the summer. Giving us a total of 7. I try to keep a routine and keep everything clean. Make time to touch base and cuddle each person regularly. We do a lot of family time activities together. You mostly just forget you are a person and do what it takes to keep everything going. Would I have done things differently if I could go back? Definitely but I do my absolute best for all the kids in my care and make sure they know they are loved. I look forward to them growing up so I can have free time. I grew up in a low income home being the oldest of 6. I wish even one time my mom would of stopped yelling and threatening us long enough to tell us how hard it is to have so many kids and how much easier life can be if you wait to have kids until you are in your 30s. Not feeling sorry for myself because I know I'm lucky to have healthy strong kids. I know I have good enough relationships with them, I doubt I'll be lonely when I age. I'm just so burnt out some days.
@happigift It's not necessary easier in your 30s.

You're more financial secureband emotionally mature, but you're less physically resilient. The sleep deprivation can be crushing.
@happigift Having a husband is exhausting enough. My husband worked for the railroad for 12 years and then I couldn’t take it anymore. He was never home. We only have 2 kids, too.
@loudindie We have six. I’m a SAHM and my husband is a CEO. We are very lucky to be in the position we are. My husband’s family also has generational wealth going on.
@bandan We have two kids… one engineer works, the other one isn’t practicing and stays home. We’re definitely going to have at least one more… maybe a fourth… maybe three and four at the same time… but a lot my engineering friends have four kids!
@loudindie I read the post title and thought you meant parents of kids ages 6-13. My brain literally couldn’t fathom having that many children. We have 1 and she already costs so much in both time and money. Worth every minute and penny though.
@loudindie I think it needs to be more openly discussed having an excess of kids is. A traditional 2-parent family will inevitably under provide emotionally for having a number of kids that exceeds one for each. It’s not like there will be a huge different between 2 and 3 or 5 and 6, but the more you have, the less you will be able to provide emotionally and mentally.