ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

@thiago You don't, but people do. I've found that some people are incredibly stupid and others incredibly selfish and will take any source as as valid as the others if it says what they want it to say.

That's my problem with Emily Oster.
@moriarty777 "New study proves fatal head wounds prevent death by cancer!"

If people think that makes head wounds a form of preventative care that's not the datas fault.

Or to quote:
Elimination! Lack of education.
@churchface I love Emily Oster and I am ready for the downvotes! Especially since my own OB advised me strongly against an epidural because it was “not natural”. Emily oster fills a needed purpose in society. I have a PhD in social science and even I have a hard time deciphering the literature. Having someone break it down for me is so so useful!
@churchface Please don't shill this here. Prof Oster makes millions from her books and blog subscriptions telling parents what they want to here, whether the science supports it or not.

One example: during COVID, she wrote in the Atlantic that “Children are not at high risk for COVID-19… Although scientists don’t quite understand why, kids seem to be naturally protected. As a result, you can think of your son or daughter as an already vaccinated grandparent” That's exactly what stressed out parents wanted to hear, but isn’t true and wasn’t supported by the studies at the time or our understanding of diseases. Most epidemiologists panned it:

“This is a horrible horrible garbage take. I can’t believe @TheAtlantic published this nonsense. It’s not remotely true and it’s extremely dangerous message—it might even make some skip their kids vaccinations later. horrid! #CovidVaccine”

This article covers more of her problematic COVID takes:

This has no place on a Science Based Parenting forum.
@thepaintedbeat How was her statement in any way incorrect though? A fully-vaccinated 70-year-old is much more likely to be hospitalized or killed by COVID than an unvaccinated 10-year-old. This is an undisputable fact based on the data. In fact, the US is one of the only developed countries that has recommended COVID vaccination at all for children under the age of 10 because they are at such low risk.
@hancha Children are definitely not "naturally protected" from getting COVID and schools were/are definitely a source of spreading COVID. Telling an older teacher with health respiratory problems they need to get back in the classroom and teach kids who won't be wearing masks during the height of a pandemic is as anti-science as you get.

And that's my real problem with Oster's work. She makes a pile of money telling parents what they want to hear, even if zero credible epidemiologists agree with her and it risks lives. And even if the money comes from far right billionaires like Charles Koch and Peter Thiel, she'll happily take it.
@thepaintedbeat The crux of your argument is you deliberately misconstruing what she meant in that article when she stated that children are naturally protected from COVID. She explicitly stated what she meant (I.e. "unvaccinated children have as much risk as a vaccinated grandparent").

Seems like this is pretty much the root of all criticism against Oster - she makes a nuanced statement/recommendation that is complely accurate based on the data/science available, and she thoroughly explains the nuances and the quality/quantity of data involved. Then a bunch of people who don't understand nuance (or who refuse to accept the fundamental realities of cost/benefit-based and risk-based decision-making) turn her statements into straw-men to argue against.
@desperatehokie Yes, and some of her other opinions have been controversial too. Overall, a lot of her writing has not been and it’s just sharing data and numbers and having readers apply that however they want. I think this is a cool opportunity for someone who’s inclined to interpret studies about a topic they’re passionate about. Hell, they could even propose writing directly contradicting her opinions and stir the pot!