Panorama genetic test?


New member
I’m currently 11 weeks and change along, I called twins early days in my pregnancy, insisted that the tech look around (oh look, it’s another baby), but I thought for sure I was having 2 girls. Then a nurse called today with my results before emailing them to me. 2 boys. Cue shock.

I got the results emailed to me and the fetal fraction rate was really low (under 5%). Upside, di/di low risk with no genetic issues present!
So now I’m reading lots of info about sex of the babies in this test and how the test isn’t 100% accurate if it says 2 boys? Something about how the presence of a Y chromosome in one can skew the test for both. Anybody have experience with this? Will I need to retest later or will the 20wk U/S potentially tell me something different? (Not disappointed, per se, but something just doesn’t feel right about it? Totally willing to believe it is my dysfunctional brain)

Yup, also looking into gender disappointment to hopefully offset any emotional issues that may come up
@tayamae1726 I carried di/di twins and we did the chromosome testing. I was informed that if there is a male chromosome present the test will only tell that there’s at least one boy, but we wouldn’t know if just one was a boy or if both were boys until we did the anatomy scan.

There was a male chromosome present, and around 15 weeks we ended up with one boy and one girl.
@katrina2017 Boy/girl is my ideal situation, so I guess I’ll cross my fingers and wait for more time to pass. And likely continue to badger my OB. Who has a crazy amount of patience and is mad skilled at perspective. Who informed you about the Y chromosome indicating that there’s at least 1 boy, but couldn’t confirm 2?

Thank you, btw, I’m a little nutty at the moment.
@tayamae1726 The doctor that told me about the test, as well as the nurse that drew my blood for it. Obviously if they are identical twins then they’re both for sure boys, but I think identical twins can’t be di/di. I’m not sure. I’m literally the first person to have twins on either side of the family, so I was looking things up constantly lol
@katrina2017 You can get identical di/di if the zygote splits in the first 1-3 days, so if you've got di/di you can't really tell for sure what sort of twins you're in for. Though you can pretty safely assume fraternal if your anatomy scan shows mixed sexes 😂
@jib I mean obviously I know mine aren’t identical lol I meant for OP since right now she only knows that there’s a male chromosome present. 😝
@tayamae1726 If there is a Y chromosome it will say male, the test can't always tell if it's two boys or boy/girl. When you do the anatomy scan at ~20 weeks, you'll find out their genders for sure. Also boys are great! My son is so cuddly and way more attached to me than his twin sister.
@naturex Thank you for the reassurance!
I think my biggest worry is that males in my family tend towards being jerks and have that mischief making temperament. (My grandfather locked his school teacher in the 1 rm schoolhouse when her beau came to visit then set off firecrackers under the building, as one example). My husband’s family are all super athletic and hyper competitive.
I guess I’m also worried about state of the world and various social pressures and all that stuff.
@tayamae1726 There are a lot of societal pressures for boys and girls, it's up to you and your husband to raise your son(s) to know that boys/men are allowed to have feelings and express emotions.
@tayamae1726 I could be wrong but I believe Panorama is one of the only NIPT tests that can somewhat accurately determine genders and type of twins. I do think there is sometimes issues with the Y chromosome skewing the results inaccurately to be both boys, but I’d probably just roll with the results you have for now unless you get told otherwise at later scans.
@tayamae1726 We did the test and it was accurate for our b/g twins. We were told as late at like the end of 2016 it wasn't super accurate for twins, but in 2018 there was a lab or two that pretty much had twin gender testing nailed now and that it was very accurate now for twins.
@tayamae1726 I had the panorama or something very similar for my twins at the same gestational age in 2016. They told me they could only determine is a Y was present or not and therefore could only state that at least one was a boy. From my understanding they were able to detect risks but wouldn't know which twin it was as they couldn't differentiate fetal DNA. I ended up having two boys but didn't find out what the other baby's sex was until around 20 weeks.
@avman23 That was one of my difficulties, since some of the information I was finding online wasn’t dated, I wasn’t sure if it was recent or old and if test results had significantly improved.
@tayamae1726 Also if you don’t want to wait until 20 weeks, search for an elective 3D/4D ultrasound business in your area! We had it done at 15 weeks. We paid out of pocket (insurance doesn’t cover it since it’s non-medical), but we later learned that an HSA card works for a payment method in our local office.