Pack n play for newborn upto 4 months


New member
Hi all, I’m 22 weeks and just started planning or making a list of things to get in the coming few months. I’ve been researching on what to get for the master bedroom for baby to sleep in. I read that a lot of you are using pack n play with a bassinet attachment. Now this is confusing me since I find too many options online and can’t figure out what is the best one. I don’t want to buy the all in one graco pack n play with a changer etc coz I’m planning to buy a separate changing pad to go on my dresser.
So when some of you are using pack n play with a bassinet attachment, do you mean option 1 (which is just the pack n play mattress at a raised position), option 2 (which has an elevated bassinet attachment, but the playard looks
Smaller than the regular sized playard) or option 3 (that has a newborn insert but it looks too small to me). Please help!!! All 3 are so different setups and I am
So confused.



@daishinkan If you do want a packnplay, I would just get the cheapest one that you like and has good reviews. All the fancy attachments are usually a waste since baby will grow out of them so fast and they will just sit aimlessly in storage after. Any normal playyard that has a raised setting for making sleep transfer easier the first few months will do you good.

For our bassinet, we scored a $20 lightly used Halo Bassinest off OfferUp. It works great in our smallish bedroom and has attachments on the back that we use to store diapers since it sits in between our bed and the changing table dresser. I like the swivel feature for getting in and out of bed and placing baby down to sleep easier as well.
@weakmadestrong Thank you so much!! That makes it easier for me to know that option 1 will work just as fine.
I do want a pack n play because I want to be able to transfer it downstairs for naps once the baby can get used to his crib in the nursery.
Great offer on the halo btw! I should look up if I can find any decently used bassinets for a decent price, didn’t think of that. 😊
@daishinkan I have a basic pack n play that we started using around 4-5 months for travel when my son outgrew his bassinet. To be honest, I wouldn’t use it for a newborn. It’s pretty deep to reach into (I’m on the shorter side), and I haven’t been able to get the bottom part/mattress to lie flat. It feels too soft to me and kind of buckles a big ag the folds. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? I totally get wanting to buy something you can use for longer, but I’m somewhat cautious about sleep for babies. I ended up getting a less expensive bassinet from Amazon for my son, loaned it out to a friend, and then will be using it again for this next one so I’m getting my money’s worth. I also got my pack n play used from Facebook Marketplace and it’s been great to throw in the car for naps at grandparents, etc.
@daishinkan I got the graco day2dream because the bassinet attachement is removable so bay will be right next to the bed for the first few weeks, once she outgrows it, we’ll put her in the pack n play with raised mattress. I also like the functionality of moving the bassinet attachment through the house if needed

Edit: Why am i getting downvoted lol
@daishinkan I went with one closer to #3 because I wanted the changing table option. I know you said you are getting a dresser topped but I liked the option of having multiple places to change baby and not have to go to nursery every single time. Never would have thought of that except my friends had babies before me and they all did that with their play yard.
@arrows Ah that makes sense!!! I was thinking more in terms of buying a keekaroo peanut changer which I can move across rooms (not sure how convenient that’s going to be 😅)
How long were you able to use the changer attachment in this pack n play for?
@daishinkan Well I haven’t given birth yet but my friend that I really learned this from has a 1.5 year old and she still uses it for diaper changes! You could probably get two of those peanut things and keep one around your living area if you want but moving one from room to room just seems annoying to me. So why not go with an all-in-one? Lol
@daishinkan The MyView is pretty small, similar to a co-sleeper size without the good features. I have a similar version (Graco Travel Lite) and it’s stupidly hard to find good sheets for it. If you have a teeny tiny room and NEED every bit of floor space, that’s the only way I’d get that one.

If you truly don’t need the changing table option, get the first one and save the money, but it is really nice to have extra places to change the babe. Most of the smaller attachable sleepers have the EXACT SAME weight limit as the upper level of a pack n play.

I wouldn’t want to drag a peanut changing pad around, trying to find a surface for it. The attached changing table will be at just the right height for most parents (super tall ones will struggle with any baby products).
@daishinkan All would be a fine choice but a baby should not sleep in the portable newborn seat that is next to the changing table in option 3. They should only sleep in the raised bassinet, which appears to be included in all 3 options you posted.
@daishinkan If you don’t want the changing table I would go with 1. The last option actually isn’t safe for sleeping in the portable bassinet. If something is not called a bassinet in the manual then it’s not safe for sleep. Just get something similar to the first, keep it raised until baby reaches weight limit which is typically 15-20lbs and then lower it.