Ovulation with negative OPK?


New member
Hi every one I am 20 days post d&c for MMC at 11 weeks, baby was measuring 8 weeks. Recovery was ok physically, I have been monitoring with OPK but I was inconsistent with due to positive HPT.
4 days ago I tested negative on HPT, and started opk all were negative. 3 days ago also I begun to experience pelvic pressure, yasterday I had an episode of severe pain lasting 40 min, So I went to an Ob and did TVUS
TVUS showed .Endometrial thickness = 8 mm. Right
ovarian partially collapsed cyst with altered internal content likely haemorrhagic measuring 21 x 20 mm.
Another adjacent unilocular clear cyst measuring 28 x 19 mm. Left ovary is of normal site, and echotexture.It measures 27 x 60 mm. Mild amount of free fluid seen within cul de sac

Dose that mean l've ovulated already or l'm close to ovulation? I'm confused as my OPK were negative And my beta today was 12
Do you guys have any input of what’s going on 🤔.
@cardeal38 I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this. MC sucks. 💔
From my last MMC, I can say that my first two cycles were weird, unpredictable, and anovulatory with weird pelvic pain that made it hard to sit/walk. (I might have had an unruptured cyst). I still had positive OPKs, but did not feel my classic ovulation pain. My blood tests confirmed that I was not having ovulation

Sigh. I wish I had a magic wand and could tell you with a simple wave, that everything would go back to the way it was before and you could get back to TTC right away, but the fact is that it takes time for your hormones to get back into the swing of things. The female reproductive system is a delicate balance of precisely timed hormonal waxes and wanes.

I finally ovulated on my third cycle post MC. Everything was normal, LH surge at cd16/17.

Just keep testing, and keeping track of where your hormones are at. write down symptoms of anything feels abnormal. I hope you don’t need to be patient for very long ❤️

Best of luck to you