One side or both sides per feeding?


New member
I’ve gotten some mixed answers. Do you do a full feed on one breast then the next full feed on the other or do you switch mid-feed.

I’m concerned that if my baby eats every 3 hours then one side isn’t touched for 6 hours.
For example
8am- L
11am- R
2pm- L
5pm- R
8pm- L

Left goes from 8-2 and 2-8pm not being used. Is this too long?
@songonthewind Same just using one boob and he’s full! My boy is 7 weeks and averaging 2.2oz weight gain a day and is already over 14lbs. My boobs have adjusted well to going 6 hours without feed.

Be careful of switching boobs too soon though, my IBCLC said your milk starts out more sugary then more gets fatty, so if you switch too soon he/she is missing out on your fattier milk.

If my boobs feel too full I’ll pump, which ends be being once in the morning after his feed, usually around 8am!
@keke1223 The lactation consultant I met with recommended always offering the other breast. Sometimes the baby will take it, sometimes not. Sometimes it’ll be a long feed, sometimes short. But early on, I was leaving it at one side too often and my baby didn’t grow quickly.
@josephugo I second this. Not offering both sides can run the risk of late onset decrease in milk supply. Feed one breast until baby does the flutter sucking, before baby falls asleep, or baby is pulling for more, and then switch to the other side. I would not worry about timing and focus instead on if the baby is really drinking (long pauses) vs just flutter sucking.
@keke1223 How old is baby? My LO has always only taken one side, she did one side every 1-1.5 hours until about 4 months, then every 2-2.5 until about 8 months, now she's nearly a year and will go anywhere between 2-7 hours between feeds. My supply has always been good with that pattern. It's different for every baby, but your boobs normally get into your baby's routine just fine.
@idunnowat So glad to hear I'm not the only one with this pattern so far! Everywhere I see they should be eating at larger intervals by now, but he just doesn't want both! I try, but he'd rather just eat more often lol
@idunnowat OMG my 4 year old nursed every 2 hours religiously until he weaned shortly after a year. Ate solids just fine but always wanted a boob every 2 hours. Luckily he was super efficient so it was like 5-10 minutes even early on.
@keke1223 I often do one boob at a time in the early weeks, especially when their tummies are so small. I did it purposefully for this baby due to shallow latch creating some damaged nipples that needed longer between feeds to heal. If baby is acting hungry and getting fussy at the breast then I’ll offer the second one. I’ll generally switch to both boobs once baby starts cluster feeding around 6 weeks, and their appetite gets bigger.

Your boobs adjust. It can be uncomfortable for a bit, and sometimes I pump a bit to ease the pressure.