Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals


New member

I'm a crazy scientist and was having a hard time deciding which prenatal to start taking in prep for TTC in February. I compared 13 different prenatals that are available in the U.S. and which I saw recommended either here or on BabyBump. Here's the spreadsheet I put together complete with links to the sources I used to determine required nutrients.

In my research, I realized that the main things I personally wanted in a prenatal were:
  1. ~600 mcg 5-MTHF form folate
  2. 30+ mcg biotin
  3. No iron (to reduce risk of GI side effects)
  4. 250 mg magnesium in the form magnesium citrate or Aquamin (to reduce risk of GI side effects)
  5. 600+ IU Vitamin D3
  6. ~500mg calcium
  7. 300+ mg choline
I landed on Mommy's Bliss Prenatal + Probiotic, which is available at Target, and a fish oil pill I'm already taking. Once I get pregnant, I'll add in additional calcium.

Hope this is helpful to others!

EDIT: If you'd like to add info from other prenatals PM me and I'll give you an editing link :)

EDIT 2: FYI, the recommended values are for pregnant women over age 19.

EDIT 3: Upon adding some more prenatals and re-reading some recommendations, here's my newest game plan:
@fruitb Thank you so much for posting! Currently 2 months out from TTC and am taking Garden of Life and Nature Made prenatals (switching back and forth each day) because I just can’t decide but I’m thinking of switching next month to Baby & Me 2. It’s SOOO overwhelming to try and decide! I’m still deciding between Baby and Me 2, Vitamin Code and New Chapter. Your info will help me choose!
@hadasah So glad it helped! I was originally considering Baby & Me 2 but the reviews for the one available on Amazon said it came moldy or with tampered seals, and I haven't seen it available in any stores near me :(
@fruitb Oh gosh... Thanks for sharing that- I was looking at ordering from Thrive Market but I’m going to make sure to look at the reviews closely now.
@hadasah I know it's just anecdotal, but my orders of Baby & Me 2 have all been fine. I saw those reviews as well and maybe I could still end up with a bad bottle, but in my own (much less organized than OP's) analysis, it was exactly what I wanted, and so far so good.
@greg231 Short story: Little bumps that may or may not itch.

Long story:

I found out while waiting to try for #2 because I was silly. Back in pregnancy in the heat of summer I thought I had a heat rash with small bumps on my skin and pregnant women can get that more easily. In winter I guess I never looked at my stomach because I had no reason to?

Fast forward to the waiting period this year in late summer. I start taking prenatals and looked at my stomach when drying off my legs. Tons of small bumps around my stomach. I call my husband and apparently it was all over my back too! I decide to monitor a few days. The next night, an hour after taking my vitamins, I tell my husband to look. Apparently it's much worse on the back and the redness had not gone down either. The thing is- they didn't itch much! My upper thigh/butt itched a tiny bit. Husband confirmed that was very red and he was surprised I didn't itch more.

So I go to the doc, she tells me not all allergic reactions itch if it's on the minor side but I had started prenatals exactly a week before noticing so I should stop immediately and she thinks it should clear in 2 weeks. It mostly cleared in that timeframe but fully took 3 weeks! I took the prenatals for a full year and never thought about it until this experience 🤦 They did make some minor changes to their formula and I switched from to taking it half in the morning, half at night, so maybe all at night triggered a reaction?

Anyway, my takeaway is that itching a few times a day is something to look out for. Have someone check your back. Apparently the torso/back/butt are impacted first because they are warmest. I sit for 10h a day and wear loose shirts so that's why my butt was so bad.

The first few weeks after a full dose appear to be most important but it can persist for months at a low level. Don't let it get to that point!!

If it helps, even though I had an allergic reaction to SmartyPants, I am fine with MyKind Organics from Whole Foods, both gummies.
@greg231 It was! I outlined it all just to say that you can really be oblivious to it if you're busy or just don't pay attention to your body much like I didn't.
@fruitb Thanks for this! Can you add NatureMade prenatal with DHA? That's the one I take and I really like it! I have IBS so needed one where the iron wouldn't upset my stomach, and this one doesn't.
@moshia Wow, it looks really good! Plenty of calcium, choline, the right type of folate! Thanks for sharing! I might consider pre-ordering this since it's looks out of stock now :(
@fruitb Right?!! That Coline! So many good trace minerals. It’s certainly not cheap as far as prenatals go, but I’ve found it to be much more complete in terms of ingredients and dosages than a lot of the other brands out there!
@fruitb Thank you! Very helpful. I’m currently taking Naturelo women’s multivitamin with 400mcg L-5-MTHF but will switch to some sort of pre natal when we actually start trying (also hoping for February) :) will definitely be consulting this list
@fruitb Found this post searching Reddit for prenatal supplement info.

I’m TTC and taking the same supplements as you! Baby and Me 2, Nordic Naturals Prenatal fish oil, and then I’m taking calcium + magnesium from Integrative Therapeutics. I take PhosChol for additional choline. I take probiotics most days, too. Was using Klaire Labs Complete and now I just bought Garden of Life Prenatal Probiotics.

Did you end up using Baby and Me 2 during pregnancy? How’d you like it?
@spazmoidfry I did! I had to switch to taking it in the evenings during the first trimester but I did great on it, and my iron levels always tested well. I switched to Ritual Postnatal postpartum.