Now that it is a bit colder I am always confused how to dress the babies


New member
My twins are 3 months old and now it is getting colder, here is not that cold, right now at morning its 22°C outside, and at night maybe around 15-18°C.

I was told to put on them one more layer than what we adults use, and what I am doing as default is to put on them a basic body (with long sleeves and without legs) underneath the outfit, but I have some questions:

1) is it enough with the body for the extra layer? Because they dont have an extra layer on the legs

2) whats the equivalent of a jacket and a coat for a baby?

3) is it better to buy something warmer like this when we are out on the street?

Thx in advance!
@jeaninmt I have personally never followed the one more layer than we are wearing. My daughter is 4 months and runs hot, if I were to put her in one more layer than I am wearing she would be sweating.

She has always just worn one layer. In the house she usually just wears a short sleeve bodysuit with pants and usually the pants come off during the day and our house is usually kept around 20 degrees.

When we go out since you can’t use coats in car seats she is usually just in a long sleeve bodysuit, pants, socks and we put blankets over her.
@jeaninmt My baby gets incredibly cranky if he’s too warm. I feel his back and belly, if it’s hot, he’s hot. If it’s cool, he’s cold. Here it’s about -10-0 C but we keep the house at 20 C. He wears a long sleeve shirt or bodysuit and light sweatpants, no socks. If we go out, I add a sweatshirt and opt for thicker pants and socks. I bring a blanket for his lap in the car and then wrap him up in it to walk into where we’re going.
@jeaninmt Canada: that suit you linked is what i put on her on rainy 0C night with a light cotton sleeper underneath.

For 22C which i consider summer, i put her on short sleeve onesie + shorts (at home) or pants (when we go out)

For 15-18C which i consider beginning of fall: long sleeve onesie + pants.

I didn't put fleece sleepers until its below 10C

It's currently high of 5C and if we were to go outside I'd put her on fleece sleeper or long sleeve onesie with a fleece coat.
@hatuyen0404 After reading this I am realizing how much people overdress the babies! Today at the mall which is of course warmer than being out (and as I said, it was 22°) I saw two babies with fleece :O
@jeaninmt maybe it's because of the AC? My sister is in tropical country where it's hot (35C) all around and in the mall, her son is wearing long sleeve/jacket, but i don't think she put fleece. Heck, even I don't wanna wear long sleeve at 22C haha.
@jeaninmt That’s how I’m dressing my little one here where it’s 0-10C! Where you are is like our late summer fall, I wouldn’t do more than a light hoodie with maybe a blanket covering them. You don’t want them in danger of overheating
@jeaninmt I have a little space heater, he gets way too warm too fast. Be careful of fleece, it doesn’t breathe and can be dangerous at night when you’re not watching closely
@jeaninmt I used the BabyWeather app on my phone until I felt comfortable deciding how many layers. You could try that to feel more comfortable. I still use it with my 16 month old, but I know she runs hot so I do a layer less than they say.
@jeaninmt 22 С where I am warrants a light onesie over some cotton underwear. One pair of socks and a jacket just in case it’s windy, but it stays in the bag until needed.
@vigilant Thank you.

Today I was even more confused bc I dressed them as you said, and I even had a blanket in case it was windy (bc I still havent bought any jacket) but I saw some babies out and they were so hmmm I dont know the word in english, I mean like they were like if we lived in north Europe