Not going back after Mat leave


New member
So long story short I work for the NHS and received OMP & SMP. I’m due to go back soon (if I don’t I have to pay back my OMP) I’m not in a position financially to pay it back. However I do not want to go back! They are aware I am only coming back for 3 months to pay it back then leaving (due to some depression/anxiety issues I have leaving my daughter)
I have 6 weeks holiday to use, so only have to work 6 weeks.
Question is, if I get signed off for 6 weeks with my mental health does this clear my debt to my work?

I’d happily take the 6 weeks unpaid - I’m not after the money, I just will not be leaving my child point blank!

Has anyone on here been made to pay NHS OMP back?

(Please no comments telling me to ask for part time etc, been through all situations and this is the last option left!)

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