Non viability concerns


New member
Hi everyone,
I had my first ultrasound on Thursday and I measured at 5 1/2 weeks along. However, based on my last period I should be about 8 to 9 weeks when my doctors talk to me they were concerned about non-viability due to where the baby is developmentally has anybody ever had a similar experience? I had a blood test done on Friday told me that my hCG was 49,000 units in blood. I’m hoping that this is going to be a case of late conception in the fact that I may have gotten pregnant later on in my cycle and by the time I took a pregnancy test I was only a few days pregnant, but I’m continue to grow more and more concerned . Looking for any information similar experiences or advice as needed for this upcoming week. I’m so nervous and I can’t handle losing a child, especially after being pregnant for the first time.

Sidenote, I’ve had regular cycles but nonregular ovulation according to my doctor was not trying to track my ovulation because I was about to start letrozole in my next cycle before I got pregnant
@michelle12790 HCG of 49,000 is pretty on par with 6 weeks. At my first appointment I was expecting to be 6 weeks and my HCG matched up with it but at my first ultrasound, where we thought I would be 7 weeks, I was actually measuring 6w2d. It is very possible that you could've just ovulated late. As when they go off of your last period, they're assuming that you have a "normal" 28 day cycle and ovulate somewhere around day 14. So really the only way to really know how far along you are is by a dating scan. Try to stay patient until your next ultrasound. I know it's incredibly difficult but try your best not to worry until you actually have something to worry about.
@michelle12790 Unfortunately, you should be measuring further along with testing positive 6 weeks ago. If you conceived later in your cycle, then you wouldn’t have tested positive at that point. I’m sorry.
@hillegas I have almost op’s exact situation. Last period March 9th, first positive April 5th, today was my ultrasound and baby is measuring at 5w6d when my Flo app says I should be 8w4d.

I haven’t gotten my HCG results back today, and will do more blood tests Thursday. I have a scheduled ultrasound for next week as well.

Trying to figure out what the chances are of viability just like OP.