No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?


New member
Looking for any and all tips for flying with our will-be 13 month old. I’ve already done some searches and looked at older posts- but I’m hoping for fresh perspective on our unique situation.

First flight is 1.5 hours, layover 1 hour, second flight 1 hour. So, not super long… (a lot of what I’m reading is for 12+ hr international flights)

We’ve done no screens so far, and I would like to stick with it, but I’m also not against it if need be. I certainly wouldn’t mind the encouragement from anyone who has done a flight with no screens.

Found some good fidget toys online, will definitely have to tether everything as my boy is a thrower. I’d rather save the money and do DIY and second-hand toys and introduce them for the first time on the flight. We will have him in his infant car seat, probably rear facing, in his own seat.

My main question is the screen time thing, but any tips are greatly appreciated!
@lpadr009 Came here to say painter's tape and sticky notes. Also walks up and down the aisle.

But really my 18 month was more interested in the pamphlets in the back of the seat and putting the tray and window shade up and down repeatedly than the toys I brought lol. An hour ish flight will be nothing! It'll be over before you know it.

Also my son slept through a surprising amount of it. Our flight was about 6 hours total, one way.
@lostinthepast For an 1.5 flight, definitely can do it (but I’d load something on your phone JUST in case. Snack boxes, Vinyl reuseable stickers, suction cup toys for the windows, plenty of things you can do.
@lostinthepast I guess it's a different age but we flew with our 10 month old - two approx. 2 hour flights with 1h30 layover, and then back again. We downloaded stuff on the iPad in case we had to resort to screens for the first time but ended up not even taking it out. We tried to keep him up and time naps so he would sleep on the plane (although he didn't sleep much... but was tired enough to mostly just cuddle with me, and did a bit of goofing - peek a boo - with other passengers and played with some toys). We tried to pick "quiet" toys and had some spinner and Dimpl-style things and soft books. It's time consuming but simple enough to DIY a busy book?

Maybe we just lucked out but I guess my advice is we didn't need nearly as much stuff as I thought we would!
@lostinthepast We have screen time in our home and use the tablets for travel. But outside of regularly scheduled screen time and travel, I will sometimes let my kids look at photos and videos I have in my camera roll on my phone, as in videos and pictures of ourselves. It’s a way more interactive experience because we can talk about the people in the photos and about the experiences we had in the past. This would be my recommendation if all else fails and you need to keep the toddler happy mid flight!

Also, snacks, snacks, snacks!
@lostinthepast We’ve done multiple flights starting from around that age and are firmly a no screen family. We don’t use snacks for activities/boredom AND don’t use screens so I was getting a little nervous since those two seemed to be the main recs when I searched online, so happy to offer encouragement!

My perspective is that if you want to use them, sure, but no, certainly don’t have to! For us personally, screens aren’t even a fallback option, so we spent time figuring out lots of other options. I packed kiddo a little backpack with books, coloring options, a spinner toy, and lots more, plus a favorite stuffed animal. I wrapped things up so that she could spend time unwrapping.

However, I started off just by engaging her with things around us—looking out the window, waving to people who made eye contact with her, reading the various seatback magazines, narrating what flight crew was doing, and it was tiring for me, but also cool how well that worked, since everything is new for a toddler! Realizing that anything can potentially be engaging at this age really helps me when we’re out and about, not just for flights. Honestly, even on the 10+ hour flights, we only ended up using one actual toy and a couple books, but I still bring the backpack of wrapped things just in case!

Safe travels :)
@lostinthepast Screens didn't seem to hold attention anyway, if you're avoiding it I wouldn't bother. I sang lots of songs with hand motions and brought books to read. New toys are nice, and you could use the trick of wrapping them first so it's two activities in one. Snack time is also an activity. And for a short flight the environment might be stimulating, just exploring the novelty and looking out the window will eat some time.

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