No fetal pole largish yolk sac 8 weeks


New member
Hi everyone, I just wanted to see if anyone has been in a similar situation and had a positive outcome. I’m 8 weeks 3 days along according to menstrual calculations, but am measuring 6 weeks 6 days gestational. I had a second ultrasound and they see a yolk sac but no fetal pole. The yolk sac has grown in the last two weeks, but still no fetal pole. It is 5.7 mm and it is shaped like a capital Q. I’m wondering if the q part is a small fetal pole starting. I know I have a tilted uterus and am hoping it’s hiding the fetal pole. I have to wait 11 days now for another ultrasound and the doctor gave me 50/50 chance of Mc. I’m just looking for a little hope this could be a good outcome.
@delad3 You shouldn't need to wait another 11 days for an ultrasound. Just 14 days from the first ultrasound that showed the gestational sac, and that's definitive.
@delad3 When did you get your first positive pregnancy test? That can also signal whether you are actually measuring behind or there’s a possibility you actually are early.