Night time diaper recommendation for a 6-8 hrs sleeping baby


New member
Hello! FTM Here and 8 weeks post partum. I recently switched to compostable diapers (earth baby (service) that drops new diapers, picks up old diapers and composts them to make manure for the city). I subscribed for dyper. It is an expensive deal, but water is gold here and can't afford to spend tons of water and time in washing regularly. I am looking to try cloth diapers and badly need a one stop solution for night time cloth diapers to start with, since my husband is never convinced abt cloth diapers/water scarcity in our area/my lack of time/discipline :p I want to start somewhere and not be all or none.

Can you all kindly suggest some good overnight diapers? Something that can hold for atleast 6 hrs?

Note: My husband feeds (expressed bottle.milk) and changes diapers overnight so I am productive and helpful during the day.
@brad0037 I use workhorses but have to add additional doublers etc. at different ages. For a more “one stop” diaper I have bububebe sleepytime fitteds. I don’t need anything extra (except a cover)
@brad0037 My little guy hasn’t slept longer than 5 hours at a time so far, but I’ve been using a size up in cotton prefolds, hemp booster folded in half over his wet zone and a wool cover (crocheted my own).
@brad0037 For my almost 9 month old, i have been using Grovia ONE primarily for overnights. However, I’ve recently been using La Petite Ourse AIO with a booster in the pocket and I think that holds just as much, stays dryer, and costs $10 less than the ONE. I recommend both though. My baby sleeps 10-11 hours each night.
@brad0037 My LO sleeps 12 hours every night. Initially we were using cloth during the day and disposable overnight but we kept getting leaks.

We use Babybeehinds award winning night nappies. They’re amazing. We used them with a wool cover for a while but now even with their PUL cover we don’t get leaks, ever. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
@brad0037 I'm still trial and error-ing but our longest sleep stretches are a similar length and I've had the best success so far with a cotton prefold plus hemp insert
@brad0037 Like others have said, I also cloth diaper during the day and use a disposable at night. My reasoning is that it feels drier and she can flood that thing without leaks. Anything to keep her sleeping through the night! During the day, we mostly use La Petite Ourse pockets or AIOs, but I also have a handful of prefolds and covers that I use occasionally. I like those for play time as I feel like they don’t feel as dry as our LPOs for naps or car rides.
@brad0037 A mixture of Little Lamb, Tots Bots, Happy Flute and Petit Lulu. The Petit Lulu Maxi Night are the most amazing ones. They're expensive but so worth it. The rest need to be boosted with hemp. I also find the Tots Bots smaller fitting so my 2 year old (2 in October) won't get long more out of those ones. Still plenty of time in the others. Fleece covers are also brilliant with fitteds at night. They work like wool covers but don't need to be lanolised and don't leave wet elastic friction marks like a lot of PUL covers do.
@brad0037 Just here to say cloth diapering at night is tough and is something that generally takes a lot of trial and error. A lot of people who cloth diaper do so during the day and then disposables at night because it can be tough to find a cloth option that doesn't leak. So I honestly wouldn't recommend just cloth diapering at night and there really isn't a one stop full proof night option
@brad0037 I totally agree with the comment above. We use cloth by day and disposable at night, solely because the babies were sleeping well in disposables. I tried cloth for a few nights and the baby slept worse. No leaks or anything but sleep/diaper trade off was not worth it for us. Why mess up a good thing.