Night fussiness

Baby is 2 weeks old, during the day sleeps every 2-3 hours sometimes will sleep 4 hours, eats about 2-3 oz each time wakes up. Not really fussy or anything just the normal baby stuff.
Once night happens it’s like different baby, will fuss and cry for a few hours until eventually calms down and falls asleep. About 2-3 hours later has a poop diaper and sometimes only 1 poop diaper. Today baby was fussy at night as usual, and just pooped 2 times back to back, yellow loose stools. I do give breast milk and formula. But still only goes to bathroom late at night not really during the day, has wet diapers throughout the day though.
Is this normal? Or should I change formulas? Also why only at night baby is fussy n cry’s more? Is 1 poop a day normal? any ideas or pointers thanks
@jenniferbelovedchild FTF of 4 week old. You’re doing great. What you’re referring to is what I’ve learned folks call the “witching hour”. It’s quite normal, and I haven’t discovered/understood why it happens - but it is very much a thing. It is possible you can influence better nights by meticulously watching out for tired cues all day and making sure LO is never overtired. But don’t be too hard on yourself - at least that’s what I say to myself and my partner. :)
@memmorec Ohh okay, yeah I think sometimes baby is just not sleeping well during the day, I’ll keep an eye out on when more tired or needs to rest a bit more. Baby slept 5 hr last night so that was a first. But I do feel like either really tired n just won’t settle n sleep as fast or baby wants to poop n just can’t since doesn’t really go poop all day, but i will start notating when baby goes poop so I can have more clear understanding and not worry
@jenniferbelovedchild Hello there! FTM of a 4 week old and everything you're describing sounds very normal and familiar. Almost identical to my baby. No advice to give but if you need reassurance contact your paed to confirm. Im sure you're doing great 😊
@woot Yes baby automatically wakes about every 2hrs during the day, so that’s when I give food. At night mostly the same, sometimes baby will go 3-4 hours. Last night did a 5 hr stretch at night of sleep.