nexplanon pregnancy scare


New member
I’m having serious pregnancy symptoms. I got my nexplanon around the summer of 2021. i’m 19 and my doctor told me that i’m in perfect shape for this birth control and we set a date sometime in 2024(3 years later) to replace it(i DO NOT want a kid). for the first two years, i didn’t have a period and during this time i had no sexual partner. once i got into a relationship we’ve had lots of unprotected sex and my period came back monthly or was sometimes a little off schedule but no that much. i hadn’t seen him for two months and my period was normal but he came to visit in june and we had unprotected sex. ever since then i haven’t had my period, in like 20 days late and i’m scared. this might just be my anxiety, but i’m having symptoms like horrible lower back pain, waking up feeling kind of hungry nauseous, feeling super tired all the time, my mood is crazy, and i f e e l like i have to pee constantly. it’s technically been a month since he left why do i feel this way? is it my anxiety creating these symptoms? is it just nexplanon being nexplanon and throwing me off again?(i’ve had a lot of pregnancy scares before) also while all this was happening i started to smoke 🍃 more n more like i constantly smoke everyday multiple times a day and it makes me eat in unhealthy ways. is the 🍃 making me feel like this? pls help.
@ebolacamel My bleeding pattern changed a year in and has stayed the same even after replacement. I get a period once every other month. I get weird symptoms like sore nipples a week before. If you’re worried test 3 weeks after unprotected sex! But I think you’re fine it’s normal to not bleed often witj it. The most common side effect is irregular or no bleeding.
@ebolacamel I used to be on the Nexplanon, but had it taken out and my tubes removed last week. I also went a while without a period and then it randomly started back every month. As others have said, it’s rare to get pregnant on it, but just take a pregnancy test to ease your mind ❤️ Just a word of advice…get the one that says “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” 😂 I took one with lines and read it wrong and omg I can’t even describe the feeling of panic I felt when I thought it was positive lol! 100% my fault though.