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UPDATE: First, thank you to everyone who took the time to share their experiences and encourage self-advocacy. I contacted the on call doctor. She felt comfortable with me being home taking prescribed Flexeril and resting, but if I needed assurance, to go back to L&D. I chose to stay home on my comfy couch. I had my scheduled appointment this morning, no changes (no worse, no better) during the cervical exam. Nurse called later to tell me I needed to add baby aspirin into my routine for Pre-E. So I guess at this point I'm just expecting babe to make an early debut in her own time. For now, I'll just f*cking suffer with these non-stop contractions.

Hi! Idk what I'm looking for, maybe stories to help me navigate my thoughts?

FTM & 29+4, went to L&D for insane pain and "multiple complaints" (per admission note lol) that I was contributing to a possible UTI/bladder infection/kidney stones and a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. They hooked me up to the monitors, checked my cervix and ran lots of tests. Everything I thought I had came back negative, but what I did learn was I was having off the charts contractions every 1-2 minutes. I ended up being admitted for observation, sent home 24 hours after administration of contraction and pain management medications. I swear they told me I tested negative for ffn, but after reviewing my e-chart, it's actually positive. I'm not dilated, but 10% effaced and baby station is -3. After clicking the "learn more" it appears symptomatic & positive ffn means I'm at risk for preterm delivery in the next 1-2 weeks? I have a follow up with OBGYN Monday and will ask them their thoughts, but for now, I kind of can't stop thinking about it... Especially because I'm back to pretty frequent contractions. To be fair, they discharged me having 5 every 30 minutes, but intensity decreased significantly.
@jmswprkr I might go back to the hospital tonight if I were you. It took me going back 3x for them to take me seriously (I ended up filing a complaint). If your OB has an on call line, call it now. See if an RN can connect you with an on call midwife who can review your labs and how often you’re having contractions and advise you what to do. I know Monday is only 2 days away, but if I were you I’d at least call.
@helentina This. Going into the hospital against the nurses advice saved me and my baby’s life! Don’t stop OP. Get some answers. Contractions that early for me were indicating baby was in distress and needed out. 33 weeker is home with us after a 24 day NICU stay. You got this.
@srcnfk She was monitored and said everything was fine. Also did an US with MFM, and he didn't seem concerned at all... Because she was fine, it came off as there was nothing to worry about on his end.
@helentina I absolutely 2nd this. F whatever they think/ say. You need to make sure you and your baby are safe and it sounds like it's a very high risk currently
@katrina2017 Yikes! I have this black cloud hanging over me that she'll be here in the next week. I'm pretty sure my husband thinks I'm nuts for having this intuitive feeling and I kind of want to punch him lol.

Did your water break on its own? If so, did you feel any different before it did? Like your babe shift lower in your belly? Any different sensations?
@jmswprkr I had lower abdominal pain that I thought was a UTI, and I also had very light bleeding (like only on the tissue when I wiped and pink-tinged discharge). At my ob visit on 26 + 0, ultrasound showed my cervix was closed, and NST was normal. I was told I was fine and my symptoms were probably from having sex. Symptoms continued for a few days then got worse all of a sudden. I noticed that the same pain was coming and going irregularly. Called doctor on call 2x, no response. Felt like I was constipated and had UTI. Went to hospital, they took their time until I had a big gush of blood. They had me lie on my left side while they got stuff ready for monitoring (in triage). That’s when my water broke.
They told me everything was fine. I knew better but didn’t push it. They didn’t do ffn that I know of.
You can also just go to L&D like I did if something is wrong.
@jmswprkr I was admitted at 24 weeks for funneling cervix. I was not in active labor and had no contractions though. They gave me the ffn test and it was positive, but my OB said she knew I would be (had unrelated hematomas the whole pregnancy) and that almost everyone tests positive & it’s not really an indicator of immediate labor. That being said, I had an emergency c section 12 days later and we both wouldn’t have made it if I wasn’t in the hospital. I went from watching tv in my hospital bed to baby out in less than 20 min. Does your hospital have an MFM on staff? I’d go back and speak with their team.
@danny23000 Wow! Thanks for sharing. MFM has their own floor. I was taken to their office for an ultrasound and to meet with the doc. Because the baby looks healthy and doesn't appear to be under stress, MFM really wasn't concerned. TBH, his response and demeanor made me feel a little foolish for being there.

Seriously, fuck anyone who makes you feel like you are overreacting. It's better safe than sorry. This is your health and your baby's health and you need to be your own advocate.

Let me share a little of my story. I was totally treated like I was "overreacting" in my last pregnancy. I knew something wasn't right (my 4th pregnancy, 3rd take-home baby). Some of the MFM doctors really tried to make me feel like all the weird stuff I was experiencing was totally normal. Baby was fine on ultrasound so he's all good, they said. Doctors doubted me when I said his movement was decreasing in intensity and frequency.

Well, I started getting contractions 5 minutes apart at 33+1, which the doctors stopped with medication. I told them that was my body saying it was time for baby to come out. Another ultrasound showed my cervix was short, baby had passed meconium and that he only was moving when pressed with the probe (not of his own accord). STILL doctors tried to tell me that's all fine. I kicked up quite a stink and finally they agreed to do a c-section at 33+2.

Well, wouldn't you know it, after my c-section the OB (not one I'd met before) told me I was right - that baby wanted out and was very unhappy in there.

Anyway, all this to say, this is your baby! Don't let anyone make you feel like you are overreacting. Go back to the hospital as many times as it takes to feel heard.

Good luck xx